Bangladesh is an energy hunger country. After the liberation war to meet up power crisis was one of the most important challenges for government. Day by day the challenge becomes really harder to harder to meet up power crisis, especially to meet up power crisis in rural area. So government formed Rural Electrification Board (REB) from Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) to fulfill the power demand for village people. This organization is playing a vital role for the village people. After the establishment of REB now more than 90% of the villages are being electrified. The BPDB is responsible for major portion of generation and distribution of electricity mainly in urban areas of the country. The Board is now under the power Division of the ministry of power, Energy and Min- eral Resources.
নাচতে না জানতে উঠোন বাঁকা
নাচতে না জানলে উঠোন বাঁকা।
= A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
তাদের বিনয়ী হওয়া উচিত ছিল
তাদের বিনয়ী হওয়া উচিত ছিল।
= They should have been modest.
ছেলেরা আকাশে ঘুড়ি উড়াচ্ছে
ছেলেরা আকাশে ঘুড়ি উড়াচ্ছে।
= The boys are flying kites in the sky.
সে আমাকে দাওয়াত দিয়েছে
সে আমাকে দাওয়াত দিয়েছে।
= He has invited me.
করিম ঘামছে না
করিম ঘামছে না।
= Karim is not sweating.