Food problem, poverty and unemployment are the major problems in our country. We shall have to take practical measures in order to solve these problems. In order to solve food problem, we should increase production by applying scientific method. We must be industrious enough to get rid of the curse of poverty. In addition to these, new scope for employment has to be created by setting up industries.

= খাদ্য সংকট, দারিদ্র্য এবং বেকারত্ব আমাদের দেশের প্রধান সমস্যা। সমস্যাগুলি সমাধানে আমাদের বাস্তবধর্মী পদক্ষেপ নিতে হবে। খাদ্য সংকট নিরসনে বৈজ্ঞানিক উপায়ে খাদ্য উৎপাদন বাড়াতে হবে। দারিদ্র্যের অভিশাপ হতে মুক্তির জন্য কঠোর পরিশ্রম করতে হবে। এছাড়াও শিল্প কারখানা স্থাপন করে নতুন কর্মসংস্থানের ব্যবস্থা করতে হবে।

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

There is a saying that to tell a lie is a great sin. It is well-known to all. Nobody can deny the truth. No doctrines and religions suggest us to tell a lie because it creates complexity in human society. A lie is detrimental to human life. We all know that truth and lie do not move together. Truth has the power to bring happiness and a lie bears woe. The base of lies is fragile It never survives with great strength. Sometimes, lies may provide temporary happiness for mankind. But it has been proved futile. One lie leads to another. If someone tells a lie, he/she has to tell more lies in consequence of the first one. It makes one not only to tell another lie, but also to plunder. This continuity of lies is injurious. Because of lies, many evils take place in society. Even murder may occur. The existence of lies destroys the prospect of establishing a congenial and happy society.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 1 day ago

The proverb 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing' expresses the idea that gaining a little knowledge can mislead people into thinking that they are more expert than they really are. This mindset of overconfidence and pride can lead to making serious mistakes which we will regret later. There is no denying that knowledge is the greatest asset known to man. It is perhaps one of the fundamental elements to assess where he is at the moment. Throughout history, humanity has evolved, implementing the knowledge gained over the years. Initially, human beings were on par with other animals, when they started thinking about their surroundings, questioning everything, finding the answers to the unknown, getting a rational opinion and started thinking, they got differentiated from the rest. Hence, rational thought and the ability to think is what makes human beings stand out from the rest. From then, we never stopped our quest to answer the unknown things. However, little knowledge has proved to be dangerous for the entire humanity. Anyone with little knowledge poses a threat to the whole society as they believe that they know everything. But in reality, all we know is a minute part of the entire world. Through this essay on a little knowledge i dangerous thing, one can tread safely on the right path and not be tempted to walk in the wrong direction.

‘Bangladesh is a beautiful country' এই বাক্যের ‘beautiful' শব্দটি Adjective.

He is a student, is he? 

=He is a student, Isn't he? বাক্যের অর্থঃ সে একজন ছাত্র, তা নয় কি?

' A far cry (বিশাল ব্যবধান/পার্থক্য): Life on a farm is a far cry from what I've been used to.

I could not attend the school because of illness. 

বাক্যের অর্থঃ অসুস্থতার জন্য আমি স্কুলে আসতে পারিনি।

Do not laugh at the poor. 

বাক্যের অর্থঃ গরীবদের উপহাস করো না ।

'অনারেবল জাস্টিস' শব্দ দুইটি ইংরেজি হলো Honorable,  Justice.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

সে খুব নিয়মনিষ্ঠ । 

= He is very disciplined.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

সমুদ্রের পানি লবনাক্ত। 

=  Sea water is salty.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 1 week ago

গোলাপ সুগন্ধ ছড়ায়। 

= Roses spread fragrance.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 2 weeks ago

অজ্ঞতা অন্ধকারের শামিল। 

= Ignorance and dankness are same.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 1 week ago

আইনের চোখে সবাই সমান। 

= All are equal before law.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

বাংলাদেশ নদীমাতৃক দেশ। 

= Bangladesh is a riverine country.

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