জেলা জজ আদালত, সিরাজগঞ্জ || অফিস সহকারী কাম কম্পিউটার অপারেটর (22-04-2022) || 2022


‘Importance of Computer in Everyday Life'

Computer is a machine that helps in processing data into meaningful information. It is one of the most common machines these days with endless possibilities for application, thereby making life truly simple for everyone around.

A computer is usually a set of machines but it could easily be just a small chip installed in a machine. The main parts of a computing system are an input device, a processing unit and an output device. Generally these are in form of a keyboard or a mouse which are used to feed the data, a central processing unit and a screen to display the output. A person with even an elementary training can easily operate the machine to achieve the required output within seconds. Computers have penetrated every sphere of life, all industries and every possible field.

Computer is important in our life in many more ways than we can imagine. Such as: 

1. Computers have made processing of data very easy. Large amounts of computing can be done within fractions of seconds just by feeding the right processes.

2. Computers have a large storage space with the possibility of having additional space too, making very large amounts of information stored in a very small space as against having that done physically.

3. Since computers can multitask easily one can do many tasks together on the same machine. 

4. Computerization has made reservations to railways, airlines and roadways simple and clear of any confusion.

5. Banking has become a much simpler business and the tedious calculations are now taken care of by machines in a jiffy.

6. Computerized eye testing can give much more accurate results. 

7. Computers in offices have replaced many shelves lined along the walls with piles and piles of files on them. 8. Schools can keep the records of each child stored in a digital format for easy access when necessary.

9. Digitization of libraries has been a very big advantage of computerization since maintaining the old books can be very expensive and tedious.

10. Computers in car make a lot of manually done actions redundant such as rolling the window panes.

11. Having a chip card can make travel and ticketing for daily or regular commute easy by saving time on a computer operated swiping system.

12. Office work has been almost completely automated by use of software such as spreadsheets, word processing documents etc.

13. Jewellery and fashion can be easily designed using software customized to them. 

14. Entertainment has taken a new meaning by the gaming industry that heavily relies on computer technology. 

15. Music and films too are of a much better quality since digitization has taken over. Editing and mixing can now be done more easily and with much better effects. 

16. Children's learning aids are of a much better quality since they are made by using computers. 

17. Architectural designs can also now be made and any modifications can be easily made by computers. 

18. Computers are very critical in aviation industry in getting real time information about the various flights.

19. Hospitals are benefiting quite a lot by computer technology.

Conclusion: The accuracy rate of jobs done by computers is very high as along as the right procedures are administered. The rate of human errors goes down drastically and the human labour to stands redundant. The ease with computers can be operated makes more and more people capable of handling such jobs. At the same time since the machine does not have its own intelligence, the decision making at critical times becomes that much more tricky since the machine does not have the ability to judge the situation.

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