A snake in the grass
A snake in the grass (বন্ধুবেশী প্রতারক): He is just a snake in the grass and you can not trust.
Bad blood
Bad blood (শত্রুতা): There is bad blood between two sisters.
Amuse oneself
Amuse oneself (মজা করে সময় কাটানো): The boy amused themselves (by) mimicking their teacher's voice and gestures.
Wink at
Wink at (চোখ পিট পিট করে ইশারা দেওয়া): He winked at me.
To and fro
To and fro (সামনে পেছনে): Journeys to and fro between Dhaka and Chittagong.
সুস্থাস্থের জন্য সুষম খাদ্য প্রয়োজন
সুস্থাস্থের জন্য সুষম খাদ্য প্রয়োজন
= A balanced diet is essential for good health.
ঢং ঢং করে ঘণ্টা বাজতেছে
ঢং ঢং করে ঘণ্টা বাজতেছে
= The bell is ringing.
সে রুম থেকে যায়না কেন?
সে রুম থেকে যায়না কেন?
= Why doesn't he leave the room?
গঙ্গা হিমালয় হতে উত্থিত হয়ে বঙ্গোপসাগরে পড়েছে
গঙ্গা হিমালয় হতে উত্থিত হয়ে বঙ্গোপসাগরে পড়েছে।
= The Ganges originates in the Himalayas and flows into the Bay of Bangal.
কঠোর পরিশ্রম করলে তুমি কৃতকার্য হতে পারবে।
কঠোর পরিশ্রম করলে তুমি কৃতকার্য হতে পারবে।
= If you work hard you can be successful.
The man died ____ over eating
The man died from over eating.
বাক্যের অর্থঃ লোকটি অতিরিক্ত খেয়ে মারা গেল ।
He studied sociology ____ oxford University.
He studied sociology in Oxford University.
বাক্যের অর্থঃ অক্সফোর্ড বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে তিনি সমাজবিজ্ঞানে অধ্যায়ন করেছেন।
None ___this money is mine.
None but this money is mine.
বাক্যের অর্থঃ কেবল এই টাকাটাই আমার ।
His brother is noted ___honesty.
His brother is noted for honesty.
বাক্যের অর্থঃ তার ভাই সততার জন্য প্রসিদ্ধ।
The old man fell_____ a deep sleep.
The old man fell down a deep sleep.
বাক্যের অর্থঃ লোকটি গভীরঘুমে আচ্ছন্ন।
Food Security indicates a safe situation in respect of food, its uninterrupted supply, and availability of adequate food materials throughout the year. Food security has primarily two aspects, namely family or household food security and national food security. Household food security depends on the ability of the household wage earners to secure enough food to ensure an adequate dietary intake of all of its members at all times for a healthy and active life. Similarly, national food security depends on the ability of the government to secure enough food for the whole nation. To achieve food security three things need to be highlighted; first, availability of adequate food for the family and the nation; second, reasonable stability in the supply of food spatially and seasonally; and third, physical, social and economic access of a household to sufficient, safe and good quality food. In Bangladesh population groups who are most vulnerable to household food insecurity include landless farmers, day labourers, households headed by destitute women, and people living in disaster prone areas like chars, islands, and refugee camps. From the review of the results obtained in the nutrition surveys so far done, it appears that almost 90% of the population of the country suffer from some from of nutritional deficiencies due to the lack of adequate food intake.