Bangabandhu: Rebuilder of a Nation
Dhaka Metro Rail: New Era of City Communication
Red letter day
(memorable day বা স্মরণীয় দিন); The 21 February is a red letter day in the history of Bangladesh.
Bag and baggage
( তল্পিতল্পাসহ Leaving nothing behind): He leaves the place bag and baggage.
Hand to mouth
( দিন এনে দিন খায় very poor) They lived from hand to mouth.
Black sheep
(কুলাঙ্গার, wicked man, Disgraceful person): He was the black sheep of the family.
(Primary knowledge, প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান) He is learning his ABC at school.
এখন কয়টা বাজে?
What time is it now?
তিনি ঠাণ্ডা পানি পান করেন
তিনি ঠাণ্ডা পানি পান করেন
বলা সহজ করা কঠিন
It is easy to say but difficult to do.
তিনি পরশুদিন ফিরবেন
He will return day after tomorrow.
ঢাকার চারপাশে চারটি নদী
Dhaka is surrounded by four rivers
বই পড়লে জ্ঞান বাড়ে
Reading books increases knowledge
মেয়েটি দেখতে তার মায়ের মত
The girl looks like her mother.
বাংলাদেশ সম্বাবনাময় দেশ
Bangladesh is a promising country.
জাহাজ পানিতে ভাসে
Ship floats on water.
পুকুরে মাছ আছে
There are fish in the pond.
------- Earth moves round ----Sun.
The, the
He died---- fever
Dhaka stand---- the bank----Buriganga.
on, of
He belongs----- this book.
------- you remain, honest. you will succeed
Net in the Internet stands for network.
No, a single computer cannot make a network.
Internet can be used for various purposes such as doing research. downloading music, and communicating with family and friends.
One has to be cautious while using the internet because anyone can share anything on it.
In the future, connecting the physical world to the internet will be the driving force behind all developments, which makes the internet an important tool.