বাংলাদেশ পুলিশ || ক্যাডেট সাব-ইন্সপেক্টর (নিরস্ত্র) (08-01-2022) || 2022


Write an essay on any of the following

Father of the Nation Bangabandhu's life and ideology

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 1 week ago
Write an essay on any of the following

Padma Bridge: Its Impact on our national economy.

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

Padma Bridge: Its Impact on our national economy

The construction of the Padma Bridge is expected to be completed by 2022, making it the 11th longest bridge in the world and the longest bridge in Bangladesh. This marvelous infrastructure has opened the doors of great potential, especially for the marginalized populations in the southern-west parts of Bangladesh. It will contribute substantially to the nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) through the creation of strong supply chains that will enhance investment, external and internal trade, employment generation and poverty alleviation, and eventually better the socioeconomic status of the people in that region. It is expected that the bridge will contribute to nearly two percent of GDP in our economy. According to conventional economic analysis, the accumulative effects on GDP could be traced follows. Ease of transportation will create new business opportunities for the agricultural and industrial sectors. This will generate a new investment hub for both local and foreign investors, which in turn will lead to the establishment of new industrial units resulting in numerous employment opportunities. As demand for labour increases, there will be more recruitment, reskilling or upskilling of the labour force according to industrial needs and a possible rise inwages. The wider economic opportunities will eventually alleviate poverty, raise living standards and produce intergenerational gains through greater affordability of education and healthcare. Given that the agricultural sector is still a vital contributor to GDP, the aforementioned economic gains would be substantial in the case of considerable proportions of investment mobilised towards agriculture. The Padma Bridge will create this invaluable opportunity wherein enhanced connectivity across the country, coupled with strong supply chains, will enable agricultural produce to be transported to different parts of the country within a reasonable time period. Farmers will benefit from being able to maintain the quality of perishable commodities as well as lower production costs arising from transportation and storage facilities. Furthermore, direct communication with the large dealers of agricultural commodities will also ensure fair prices for the farmers. It is noteworthy that this, in turn, will provide a unique potential for the economic engagement of the youth labour force, who could be incentivised to seek employment or create enterprises in the agricultural sector.

The multitude of economic prospects offered by the Padma Bridge mandates the right set of policies targeted towards the most relevant economic actors. Policymakers will need to design and implement business facilitating policies that will boost investor confidence and make business environment conducive to foreign direct investment. The strategic interventions will result in further gains if the policy focus promotes inter-firm networks to attain sustainable and inclusive industrial growth. Furthermore, policies can result in multiplier effects if youth development is prioritised through ensuring their employment in formal job settings and encouraging the establishment and growth of youth entrepreneurship

আসুন প্রথমেই জেনে নেই Passage টিতে কি বলেছেঃ
এক গ্রামে একজন গরীব কিন্তু গুণী কৃষক বাস করতো। অল্প কয়েক একর জমিতে যে অল্প আয় হতো তা দিয়েই তিনি তার সংসার চালাতেন। জমি দিয়ে হাঁটার সময় তিনি একদিন চিন্তা করছিলেন যে কিভাবে তার আয় বাড়ানো যায়। একজন পথচারী একটি সোনার ব্যাগ ফেলে গিয়েছিল। ঐ কৃষক ব্যাগটি পান। ব্যাগটি তার বউয়ের কাছে নিয়ে যান এবং বউ তা ব্যবহার করে তাদের দৈনন্দিন চাহিদা মেটানোর জন্য বলেন। কিন্তু লোকটি তার স্ত্রীকে বললেন ‘সততাই সর্বোৎকৃষ্ট পন্থা এবং বললেন যে আমি লোকটি খুঁজে বের করবো'। অবশেষে কৃষক ঐ ব্যাগ হারানো সম্পদশালী লোকটিকে খুঁজে বের করলেন। ধনী লোকটি ব্যাগটি পেয়ে কৃষককে ধন্যবাদ জ্ঞাপন করলো কিন্তু কোনো পুরস্কার দিলো না। এজন্য কৃষকের বউ তাকে তিরস্কার করলো । কিন্তু তবুও কৃষক বলতেই লাগলেন, ‘সততাই সর্বোৎকৃষ্ট পন্থা’। আসুন এবার প্রশ্নের সমাধানে যাইঃ

a) The Honest farmer used to cultivated few acres of land and support his family members.

b) While walking through field, the farmer found a purse of gold dropped by a passer-by.

c) The farmer's wife advised him to use the gold or at least part of it to consume the family.

d) Denying his wife's request, the farmer told that honesty is the best policy. 

e) As the wealthy man did not reward the farmer. The farmer's wife considered her husband foolish.

Make sentence

Null and void 

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

Null and void (বাতিল) The rule is null and void now.

Make sentence

Keep an eye on 

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

Keep an eye on (নজরে রাখা): Keep an eye on the baby, please!

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

Karim is an intelligent boy. বাক্যের অর্থঃ করিম একজন মেধাবী ছাত্র ।

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

The boy takes after his grandfather.  বাক্যের অর্থঃ ছেলেটি দেখতে তার দাদার মতো।

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

Police is looking into the incident. বাক্যের অর্থঃ পুলিশ বিষয়টির তদন্ত করছে।

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

He is the longest student in the class.
= He is the tallest student in the class. বাক্যের অর্থঃ সে ক্লাসের সবচেয়ে লম্বা বালক ।

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

Hardly I cannot see you.
= I hardly see you. বাক্যের অর্থঃ তোমাকে কদাচিৎ দেখি ।

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

Begin এর Past participle হলো 'Begun

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

Agenda = Agendum

Singular form of 'Agenda' is Agendum

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

 Insurgent এর Synonym হলো Rebellious, mutinous

Dear YY

Assalamu Alaikum. Hope, by the blessings of Almighty Allah, you are in well. Yesterday I received your letter where you wanted to know about the applying process for the post of Cadet Sub- Inspector of Police. So I would like to write something about that 

According to the Bangladesh police circular, you need to apply online with the required CGPA of SSC, HSC and Honours. You need to cover the minimum height required for the post. Then Bangladesh police authority will give a shortlist for the candidates. After that short listed candidates participate for several physical tests. They need to qualify for all the tests. After that Bangladesh police will take a written test to choose the worthy candidates for the viva voce. After qualifying successfully, they call you for viva-voce. That's all about steps of applying 

No more today. Convey my best regards to your mother.

Your loving

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

এখন সোয়া এগারোটা বাজে

= It is a quarter past eleven.

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

শিক্ষা জাতির মেরুদণ্ড

= Education is the backbone of a nation.

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

সকাল থেকে বৃষ্টি হচ্ছে

= It has been raining since morning

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

আমার গ্লাসটি কে ভেঙ্গেছে? 

= Who has broken my glass?

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

রনি গাড়ি চালাতে জানে

= Rony knows how to drive a car.

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

ইচ্ছা থাকলে উপায় হয়

= Where there is a will, there is a way.

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

আমার বড়ভাই সোমবার কক্সবাজার যাবেন

=  My elder brother will go to Cox's Bazar on Monday.

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

ঢাকা বাংলাদেশের বৃহত্তম শহর।

= Dhaka is a big city of Bangladesh,

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

আমরা কলেজে পৌঁছাবার পর তিনি আসলেন। 

= He had come after we reached college.

আমি বাংলাদেশ পুলিশের সাব-ইন্সপেক্টর পদে একটি চাকরি পেতে চাই। 

= I want to get a job in the post of sub-inspector of Bangladesh Police.

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