RAJSHAHI শব্দটির অক্ষরগুলোর একত্রে বিন্যাসসংখ্যা BARISAL শব্দটির অক্ষরগুলোর একত্রে বিন্যাস সংখ্যার k গুন হলে, k এর মান কত?
ব্যাস্কসির শিল্প মাধ্যম কোনটি?
তোমার বাবার একমাত্র ভাইয়ের ভাবি তোমার কে হন?
If both S and T are chosen for the team , what other individuals mush be on the team with them?
Courier charges for packages to a certain destination are 65 cents for the first 250 gram and 10 cents for each additional 100 grams or part thereof . what could be the weigh in gram of a package for which the charge is $ 1.55 ?
আপনার চাচার িএকমাত্র বড় বাইয়ের মেয়ের ছোট ভাই সম্পর্কে আপনার কি হয়?
The sun in degrees of the interior angles of a polygon of 13 sides is:
'ক’ -এর মায়ের নানির নাতির মেয়ে, ‘ক’-এর হয়?
Leto's department can deliver enough parts to fill a storeroom in 8 hours . Jessica's department uses the part to buld another product. Her department can deplete a full storeroom in 1 hours starting with an empty storeroom. how long will it take leto's area to fill the storeroom while jessica's department is working?
when a cylindrical tank is filled with water at a rate of 22 cubic meters per hour, the level of water in the tank rises at a rate of 0.7 meters per hour which of the following best approximates the radius of the tank in meters?
১২৫ কোন সংখ্যার ২৫%?
A snooker tournament charges $ 45.00 for VIP seats and $ 15.00 for general admission (" regular" seats)_ . On a certain night, a total of 320 tickets were sold, for a total cost of $ 7,500 . How many fewer tickets were sold that night for VIP seats than for general admission seats?
In a class, 60% of the students enrolled for Math and 70% enrolled for Economics, If 45% of the students enrolled for both Math and Economics, what percentage of the students of the class did not enroll for either of the two subjects?
which number should come next in the series? 1,1,2,3,5,8,13?
what is the ratio of 3/7 to the product 3(7/3)?
A truck travels 20 miles due north , 30 miles due east and then 20 miles due north. How many miles is the truck from the starting point?
If it costs d dollars to make the first 100 copies of a poster and e dollars for each poster after that, what is the total cost of 125 posters?
A certain jacket was market down 20% the first week and another 20% the next week. what percent of the regular price was the final cost of the jacket after the two markdowns?
ELVIS is to LIVES as 72945 is to --- :
what is the distance from point A (3, 4) to point B (-3,-4) ?