Freedom of expression.
Theatre in Bangladesh.
A fictional character I greatly admire.
Non-formal education.
The right to strike.
Problems and prospects of working women in Bangladesh.
Foreign aid.
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Blessed is he who considerate the poor.
Time is the great physician.
It is an independent newspaper.
The United Nations have a tremendous job before it.
When a boy or a girl enters college, they find it very different from high school.
Guard against misspellings.
Last year the people began to realise how much she has contributed.
The affect of the storm was evastating.
By the evening the auditorium was allready full.
He agreed with his friend's plan.
The current of identical sounds help to awaken the emotions.
Employ whomever is willing to work.
The worker has a reasonable, secure future.
The current was swift, but he could not swim to shore.
I was truly sorry for my rude behaviour.
Taking our seats the game started.
Have you time to listen – my story?
She was obvious – the presence of her friend.
Better write his debt –..
Time and tide – for none.
You will get – trouble if you do not mend yourself.
I'll have finished – the time you get back.
I'll see – it that you get home all right.
We have not yet arrived - any decision.
I don't want to burden you - my worries.
Don't be - such a hurry.
It is bad psychology to laugh - children.
Do you adhere -- any special political opinions.
I am not going to put - with any more interruptions.
Our journal aims - having at least ten thousand readers next year.
Get away with
Pot luck
Taken in
Took a fancy to
At stake
Caught on
Broke out.
A trying time
Name two plays by George Benard Shaw
Who are the authors of "The Invisible Man and Ivanhoe'?
Frame sentences to illustrate the use of the following: Consora Censure, Later and Latter; Beside and Besides, Illusion and Allusion