ii. Body : Prospects of introduction of digital system in Bangladesh - pre-requisites for making a digital Bangladesh - prioritized sectors - OTTO availability of resources and skilled manpower - need for skill 001 development - making envisional and effective plans - action plan - constraints - commitment of the government to have a digital 081 Bangladesh.
Conclusion : A big task - implementation in phases.
Introduction: Present position-acute problem of unemployment-a great social problem.
ii. Body : Causes of unemployment - situation is aggravating day by day - job creation not commensurate with population growth majoremployment sectors - employment in agriculture, industry, and other sectors - unemployment agriculture, industry, and other sectors - unemployment and under employment in the rural sector - unemployment of educated youths and frustration - employment outside the country -- self employment - role of NGO's, Banks and other organizations.
iii. Solutions : More job creation in both public and the private sectors - more stress on skill and IT training - expansion of industrial base and service sector -- sort term loans for self-employment activities effective training for migrant workers - population control-taking up job creation projects/schemes of priority basis.
Conclusion : A top-priority job for the government – immediate step to be take.
Write a letter to your friend abroad about the national elections held in December, 2008
Write a letter to the Editor of a daily newspaper soliciting action of oncerned authorities against rising mosquito menace in your locality.
Noise Pollution in Dhaka City.
Empowerment of Women.
Elimination of Child Labour.
The prospects and problems of Globalization.
Environmental Degradation in Bangladesh- Its Causes, Effects and Remedies
Quality Education- How to ensure it in Bangladesh.
The Role of the Civil Service in the Administration.
Introduction : Temping advertisements everywhere today; in various forms; very creative; unavoidable but having severe harmful effects.
Body : Indiscriminate influence on values, taste and culture: using deceptive techniques mixing half truth and falsehoods, never telling everything, promising too much, highlighting the attractive side only; encouraging irresponsible spending and consumption presenting material comforts as all important; creating false values: putting man's independent thinking to sleep: manipulates our thinking: possible ways of countering the harmful effets: mental alertness; critical thinking: maintaining a proper senes of valuse in life.
Introduction : Present atmosphere; harmful to all of us and the country; needs improvement;
Body : Hampering normal life: creating social unrest and dishar politial uncertainty: hampering economic growth, hampering educatie damaging image of the country abroad, weakening and endangering de country Suggested ways of improvement: consensus on basic issues; mutual respect and tolerance; respect for rules and systems, need for fairness justice and responsible behaviour, shunning violence and unethical practices, need for intelligent and responsible leadership: need for constructive mass media.