Role of BTCL;
ITC for national advancement;
The population of Bangladesh is increasing in geometric progression. This rapid increase in population has an adverse effect on our national economy and development. Now write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper to raise public awareness about population explosion.
Write a letter to your Australian friend about the different types of People living in harmony in our country.
Moral Education;
A Polling Centre (Station);
Price Hike.
Preserving National Heritage.
Impact Of Satellite Television on our culture.
Students and Politics.
What is domestic violence? How it is spreading day by day?
Causes abuse and violence
Domestic violence is very common in Bangladesh
Its impact on children, : family and society
Who are the victims?
What. we, as a part of the society, can do for the victims?
Steps to assist the victims from NGO’s
The role of the government