Problems created by rapid urbanization on infrastructure services;
Suggestions to solve the problems created by rapid urbanization
Conclusion: Write a good conclusion based on your discussion.
Introduction : What is higher education or after what stage/level a student enters higher education. Write some introductory sentences about the overall aspects of higher education in Bangladesh.
Higher education providing Institutions : Write a paragraph on types/categories of such institutions and something about them.
Problems existing in Govt. Financed Institutions - focus on mo existing unrest in such institutions, session jam etc.
Problems existing in Privately Financed Institutions - focus on the quality of Education of some private universities.
How to solve the existing problems : Give your thoughtful comments/ suggestions for a way out.
conclusion: Write sentences that have the quality of ending the essay in a satisfying manner.
Write a letter to the Mayor of Dhaka City Corporation describes pitiable conditions of roads and drains in your locality.
Imagine that you are the Principal of a Govt. college and recently use students of your college demonstrated for shortage of teachers. NOW, we letter to the DG of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education about the present crisis and request him to solve the problem.
Curse of dowry in Bangladesh;
Road Accidents;
Fire incident in your locality.
Our National Education Policy;
Global Warming:
Good Governance and development
Introduction : Six seasons of our country and their influence on life in rural Bangladesh.
Changing scenes of nature in nature in different seasons - the changes in rivers, trees and fields etc.
Seasons and agriculture different crops -- activities on the fields.