প্ল্যাট ক্যাপাসিটি ফ্যাক্টর
ট্রান্সফর্মার ব্যাংকিং
ডাইভারসিটি ফ্যাক্টর
What is the difference between AC and DC resistance.
Optical fiber Communication এর দুইটি সুবিধা ও দুইটি অসুবিধা লিখুন।
কপার ক্ষতি বলতে কি বুঝায়?
Why the capacitor works on ac only.
What is the function of anti-pumping in circuit breaker.
What is the difference between isolator and circuit breaker.
Why in a 3 pin plug the earth pin is thicker and longer than other pins.
Full load এ একটি transformer এর কপার লস ১৬00W হলে Half load এ ঐ transformer এর কপার লস কত হবে।
What is better in three phase and one phase?
Lubana bought a 1-year Tk 10000 certificate of deposit that paid interest at an annual rate of 8 percent compounded semiannually. What was the total amount of interest paid on this certificate at maturity?
The following perpendicular offsets were taken at 10 meters' intervals from a survey line to an irregular boundary line.
Calculate the area enclosed between the survey line, the irregular boundary line by Simpson's rule.
Calculate the critical depth and the corresponding specific energy for a discharge of 5.0 m3/sec for rectangular channel of B = 2 m. Define Froude's number...
A simply supported beam of rectangular size of L = 6m and carrying uniform load is = 34.34 KN including its own weight if b = 250 mm and effective depth d=500 mm reinforcement 3-25 mm φ rebar. Show whether it is safe at Bond stress.
Given n=10 ∫c=9.26 MPa, ∫s = 140MPa
A cantilever beam of length 1 carries a gradually varying load from zero at end and w per unit length at the fixed end. What would be the maximum deflection and where?
A partially saturated soil v = 700 cc and weight w = 854g Dry weight 765 gm. Specific gravity of dry soil 2.67. Find void ratio, porosity, water content and percent saturation.
What are sequences of stress-strain diagram for a mild steel under Tensile test?
Write down advantages of the plane table surveying.