ঢাকা থেকে টাঙ্গাইলের দূরত্ব ৪৫ মাইল। করিম ঘণ্টায় ৩ মাইল বেগে হাঁটে এবং রহিম ঘণ্টায় ৪ মাইল বেগে হাঁটে। করিম ঢাকা থেকে রওয়ানার এক ঘণ্টা পর রহিম টাঙ্গাইল থেকে ঢাকা রওয়ানা হয়েছে। রহিম কত মাইল হাঁটার পর করিমের সাথে দেখা হবে?
Alam sold an item for Tk.6,384 and incurred a loss of 30%. At what price should he have sold the item to have gained a profit of 30%?
Kiran purchased a scooter for Tk.52000. He sold it at loss of 10%. With that money he purchased another scooter and sold it at profit of 20%. What is his overall loss profit?
The average of nine numbers is 50. The average of the first five numbers is 54 and that of the last three numbers is 52. Then the sixth number is:
A batsman has a certain average of runs for 12 innings. In the 13th innings he scores 96 runs thereby increasing his average by 5 runs. What is his average after the 13 innings?
If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 150% and the denominator of a fraction increased by 200% fraction becomes 10/19. Find the fraction.
A number when divided by 627 leaves a remainder 43. By dividing the same number by 19, the remainder will be-
৫ এর কত শতাংশ ৭ হবে?
A can finish a work in 5 days and B takes 4 days to do the same work. If the work is increased by 8 times, how many days will it take for both of them to finish the work if they work together?
A computer can perform 30 identical tasks in 6 hour. At that rate, what is the minimum number of computers that should be assigned to complete 80 of the tasks within 3 hours?
A and B together can complete a piece of work in 12 days, B and C can do it in 20 days and C and A can do it in 15days. A, B and C together can complete it in:
নিচের ভগ্নাংশের মধ্যে কোনটি বৃহত্তম?
In a business A and C invested amounts in the ratio 2:1 whereas A and B invested amounts in the ratio 3:2. If their annual profit be Tk.157300, then B's share in the profit is:
৪, ৮, ১৩, ১৯, ২৬, ধারাটির সপ্তম পদ কোনটি?
The average age of a group of 15 employees is 24 years. If 5 more employees join the group, the average age increases by 2 years. Find the average age of the new employees?
৯২২০ জন সৈন্য হতে কমপক্ষে কতজন সৈন্য সরিয়ে রাখলে সৈন্যদলকে বর্গাকারে সাজানো যাবে?
A person travels a certain distance at km/hr and reaches 15 min late. If he travels at 4 km/hr, he reaches 15 min earlier. The distance he has to travel is
The difference between the radii of bigger circle and smaller circle is 14 cm and the difference between their areas is 1056 cm2. Radius of the smaller circle is:
A man takes 3 hours 45 minutes to row a boat 22.5 km downstream of a river and 2 hours 30 minutes to cover a distance of 10 km up stream. Find the speed of the river current in km/hr.
A man can row 6 km/hr in still water. If the speed of the current is 2 km/hr, it takes 3 hrs more in upstream than in the downstream for the same distance. The distance is-