A is twise as good as B and together they finish a piece of work in 16 days. The number of days taken by A alone to finish the ork is.
A box contains 5 pink , 5 green and 2 yellow balls, Three balls are picked up randomly. What is the probability that none of the ball drawn is green
A motor cycle covers 40 km with a speed of 20 km/hr. Find the speed of the motor cycle for the next 40 km journy so that the average speed of the whole journey will be 30 km/hr?
With a uniform speed , a car covers a distance in 8 hours . Had the same distance could have been increased by 4 km/hr. The same distance could have been covered in 7 hours and 30 minutes. What is the distance covered?
The respective ratio between the speed of a speed of the car, bus and train is 5 : 9 : 6. The average speed of the car, bus and train is 72 km/hr together. What is the average speed (km/h)of the car and the train together?
A, B and C are partners of a company During a particular year A received one- third of the profile. B received1 one fourth of the profit C received remaining Tk. 5000. How much did A recieved?
The average are of a group of 15 employing is 24 years, If 5 more employees join the group., the average age increases by 2 years. Find the average age of the new employ?
Rahim can now 16 km/hr in still water. It takes her thrice as long to row up as to row down the river. Find the difference between her speed (km/hr) in still water and that of the steam.
A train leaves a station A at 7 am and reaches another station B at 11 am. Another train leas B at 8 am and reaches A at 11:30 am. The two trains cross one another at
A train 150 m long crosses a milestone is 15 seconds and crosses another train of the same lengh travelling in the opposite direction in 12 seconds. The speed of the second train in km/hr is.
There are 2 numbers in the ratio of 4:5. If 4 is subtracted from both numbers the ration becomes 3:4 . What will be the ratio if 4 is added in the both numbers?
The income of "A" is 20% higher than that of "B" The income of "B" is 25% less than of "C". What percent less is "A" income from "C" income?
৩৬ টাকা ডজন দরে ক্রয় করে ২০% লাভে বিক্রয় করলে ২০ টি কলার বিক্রয়মূল্য কত হবে?
পিতা ও দুই পুত্রের বর্তমান গড় বয়স ২০ বছর । দুই বছর পর দুই পুত্রের গড় বয়স ১২ বছর হলে, পিতার বর্তমান বয়স কত হবে?
কোনো আসল ৩ বছরে সুদে -আসলে ৪৬০ টাকা এবং ৫ বছর সুদে -আসলে ৫০০ হলে , আসল কত টাকা?
লঞ্চ ও স্রোতের গতিবেগ যথাক্রমে ঘন্টায় ১৫ কি.মি. ও ৫ কি.মি.। নদীপথে ৩০ কি.মি. গিয়ে আবার ফিরে আসতে কত ঘন্টা লাগবে?
যদি x +6y =24 এবং x =-2y হয়, তবে y= ?
a +b =11 এবং a-b=7 হলে, ab =?
3.5)4 এর মান কত?
x-1x=1 , x3-1x3 এর মান কত?