Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Bangladesh Bank - Assistant Director - 2016
সকল বিষয়
as fully as his , no one but him
as fully as he , no one but him
as fully as he does , not one but him
as fully as he does , no one but he alone
strokes a note of caution .
strut for a note of caution .
stroked a note of caution .
struck a note of caution .
if his temperature will rise .
if his temperature would rise .
if his temperature rise .
unless his temperature rise .
গাব্রিয়ালে গার্সিয়া মার্কেজ
I, II and III together are not sufficient
tracks per inch of surface
disk pack in disk surface
Dots printed per unit time
COM ( Computer Output to Microfilm )