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Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Bangladesh bank ; officer ( general) - 27.04.2018
সকল বিষয়
নিম্নবর্গের মানুষ ও তাদের জীবন
দেশীয় ও আন্তর্জাতিক প্রেক্ষাপট
নাগরিক জীবনের রূপ রূপান্তর
" I will like the new movie "
" I will certainly help you tomorrow"
" I will definitely dream about you tonight "
" I will win the lottery and share the money with you "
committee for development policy
committee for develioping policy
committee for national development policy
committee for international development policy
The rain fell in torrents
It was drizzling with gusty wind
It was raining cats and dogs
The rain came down in torrent