06 January 2017
The Editor,
The Daily Star,
19 Karwan Bazar, Dhaka-1215.
I shall be grateful to you if you publish the following article in your daily for raising consciousness of the
people about reckless driving of motor cars in the streets.
Your faithfully,
Shafiqul Islam
Savar, Dhaka
Reckless driving of motor cars in the streets
I would like to draw the attention of Traffic Police of (name of city) towards reckless driving. It is high time that proper steps ought to be taken to put a stop to the reckless driving of motor cars and other vehicles in the streets of our thickly populated city. In fact, just few days ago, a poor old beggar narrowly escaped from being run over by a motor car going at a very high speed. The beggar was crossing the street when a car came dashing along at a speed above (-) kilometers an hour. This is just one such incident as many women and children who try to cross the roads of this overpopulated city become victims to such reckless driving. This has caused many fatal accidents. Undoubtedly, regulations regarding speed do exist in the city, but the drivers pay no heed. The police also takes little or no notice of these offenders, therefore, accidents are almost a daily occurrence.
I would like to emphasize that the police must strictly enforce the regulations regarding limit and the public, who are the worst sufferers, must bring pressure to bear upon the police and other authorities to put a stop to reckless and negligent driving so that lives of citizens are not put at risk.
Ways to improve transport system in Dhaka City
Good public transport systems are an essential part of safe, clean and affordable transport for development. From a social perspective (fwa), public transport is often the only means of transport for the poor. Without it, they would be able to look at work opportunities only within walking distance of their homes, so public transport improves their livelihood opportunities. It also gives them greater access to education, health care and recreation. For senior citizens, people with disabilities and children, public transport is also their main means of mobility (; f). But, without incorporating the views of various technical experts and the traveling pubic, analysis of the existing traffic and transports, and addressing environmental issues, a new public transport system cannot be sustainable. The following points are some ways to imporve transport system in Dhaka City:
In conclusion, everyone wants for additional forms of public transport, such as underground Metro
and/or light railway/tramways, which are capable of carrying a lot of passengers at a time and are also
environment-friendly. Emphasis (গুরুত্ব প্রদান) must be placed on public transport rather than private ones.
Transport rules of all major developed cities should be adopted.