Sonali & Janata Bank Ltd. Recruitment Test for Senior Officer (IT/ICT)) Examination Held On: 29.06.2018 || 2018


Now-a-days banking is a way of life. Banking was not as much as easier as we are now availing. This has been strode for a long time to reach its destination. Conventional way of banking made our life difficult, uncomfortable and it was much time consuming. A transaction which took 1- 2 hours now takes only 1 or 2 minutes with the help of information and communication technology made it possible to take minimum time for a transaction. Technologies help banking system a lot by upgrading different types of gadgets, widgets and installing modern instruments ATM booths, mobile banking, debit card, credit card, visa master card etc. These banking tools made our wealth along with our life easier, comfortable and risk free. So modern banking system is convenient to our life. But it is a matter of concern for Bangladesh that nearly 90 percent of the banks do not have full fledged Information Technology (IT) governance despite growing number of banking activities being carried out through the IT system.

As the global economy leans increasingly toward internet banking, online transactions, cashless methods of payment, IT development in the banking system is extremely necessary for both banks locally and globally.

With the help of online payment, it is now possible to withdraw money from any branch of the bank. So people do not need to go the mother branch to cash out or encase money. Mobile banking made this sector inclusive. Of late, mobile banking flourishes tremendously making the concerned authorities profitable providing necessary pecuniary support to the people living in the remotest area. Several banks launch their agent for banking which also expedites the development of the banking sector. According to a study conducted by the BIBM, near about 80% people of Bangladesh are now more interested in mobile banking for the small transaction as transaction is much more easier convenient and prompt to make. ATM cards bring about revolutionary change in the banking sector. Traditional banking turns to be the most effective modern banking only by the dint of ATM cards given by the concerned banks. It helps people withdrawing money from any place and anytime as well. People were not able to draw cash money from traditional banking system, but once ATM booth service get launched, people now from any corner of the country can withdraw money from the bank account. They can also check their account balance, bank statement and transaction history within a moment.

Debit and credit cards with updated payment system raises the number of people who use cards to buy or sell any products. We had to go to the banks to avail loan to buy anything or for any purposes. But at the arrival of credit cards drives traditional loan sanctions system out of the banking system. People can avail loans through their respective credit cards within their given limit.

But there are some curses of the ICT in the banking channel some of which are stated as follows: Bangladesh is lagging behind in ensuring IT infrastructure and cyber security due to non implementation of IT governance in the banks. It has been found that as many as 68 percent of banks in Bangladesh do not have any IT governance framework. Also, 78 percent do not have data leakage prevention system while 8 percent banks are yet to initiate the implementation of IT governance.

Hackers had breached Bangladesh Bank's system and used SWIFT messaging network to request nearly $1 billion from its account. $81 million worth of the meticulous requests were eventually approved. This took place due to cyber crime. The incident had shown how hackers can manipulate some of the most sound networking systems in the world. The devices were used to scan the card and PIN, which were needed to clone the cards. Once the cards were cloned, they were used for further transaction in ATM booths, POS. Thus cyber criminals keep themselves updated about the latest technologies and measures being taken by the authorities in banking sectors. In this regard, the banking sector needs to thrive and reach a standard of IT governance which should be at par with global standard.

The expansion of small and medium industries plays effective roles in solving the unemployment problems of a country.

Metro rail will play an epoch-making role in reducing the traffic jam in Dhaka.

Engendering efficient human resources is inevitable for the sustainable economic development.

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 13 hours ago

As you sow, as you reap. OR As you make your bed, so you must lie on it.

It one of the main challenges for a country to accelerate economic growth and to alleviate income inequality.



The Padma Bank Ltd. 

Dhaka EPZ Branch

Savar, Dhaka


Md. Faidh Islam

Uttar Jamshing 3/4 

Savar Dhaka

Subject: Letter to inform about decline of home loan.

Respected Sir,
Thank you for your recent application for credit privileges with our bank. We appreciate your interest in availing home loan from our bank. Regretfully, we are unable to sanction your loan at the time. If you have additional information which may help us to reconsider this decision, plea provide it within 10 days.
The denial of your home loan application was based in whole or part upon the following reason(s): 

  • Information from credit information bureau.
  • Insufficient credit history.
  • Insufficient land papers and appropriate documents. 
  •  Unable to verify credit reference
  • Bank statement


Thus, we feel sorry that we will not be able to grant the requested loan amount.

Your faithfully
Md. Mohidul Islam
Credit Officer
The Padma Bank Ltd.
Dhaka EPZ Branch