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Bangladesh Bank - Assistant Director - 2011
সকল বিষয়
Bangladesh Leasing Association
the act of using someone else's ideas as one's own
the act of planning everything beforehand
the art of playing a musical instrument
In spite of my illness, attended the meeting
Despite of my illness, attended the meeting
In spite my illness, attend the meeting
Despite my illness, I had attended the meeting
The program provides uninteresting work
It is difficult to find work for all the program's graduates
The number of 17 and 18 year old youths has increased over the past three year
Unemployment benefits are known while future salaries are not
Youths are unaware of the program's benefits
The cost of fruits and vegetables has risen sharply
Consumers have decreased their consumption of fruits and vegetables
The cost of fruits and vegetables is a major item in the COL
Other items that make up the COL have not significantly decreased in price
Food cost changes are reflected quickly in the COL
There are certain disadvantages for the United States economy attached to devaluation
The prospect of devaluation results in a speculative outflow of funds
By encouraging exports and discouraging imports, devaluation can improve the American balance of payments
The difference between the exports and imports is called the trade gap
It is possible that inflation neutralises the beneficial effects of devaluation
The number of total hotel rooms has increased
The number of tourist has increased from 1990 to 2010
Average stay per tourist has increased
The average price of tourist services has increased
Average expenditure per tourist has increased
None of the bill collectors at the agency has been working longer than Mr . Mamun
The other four bill collectors at the agency consider Mr. Mamun to be a very capable bill collector
Mr. Manun's rate of collections per year has remained fairly steady in the last few years.
Before joining the agency , Mr. Mamun was affiliated with the credit department of a large department store
Mr. Mamun is assigned to the majority of the most difficult cases at the agency
Financial Services Administration
Financial Services Authority
The standard deviation only
The mean and the standard deviation only
There has been a slowdown in the rate of increase in world demand for coal over the last 5 years from 10% to 5%
It has been known for many years that there are vast stocks of coal under Antarctica which have yet to be economically exploited
Oil is being used increasingly in place of coal for many industrial and domestic uses
As coal resources are depleted more and marginal supplies , which are more costly to produce and less efficient in use , are being mined
Industries are increasingly using fossil fuels, now a days , as the new reserves of such energy have been discovered
Economic growth will result in a structural change of the economy
Only if people consume less can the economy grow
The import surplus can be reduced if investment is restricted
Only a structural change in the economy can substantially increase imports
People will have to be persuaded to give up consumption for the national good
ABC's market is not monopolistic
Monopoly is defined as one seller in a market
The ABC Company has no domestic competitors
The ABC Company is publicly own
The ABC Company is in a service industry
Christopher A . Passarides
Bangladesh Insurance Academy
Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority
Insurance Controlling Authority
Exports were greater than imports in 2005, but not in 2000.
Exports increased from 2000 to 2005
In 2005, the increased in Exports was nearly double of that in 2000.
In 2000, net exports were gerater than in 2005.
If GNP was constant from 2000 to 2005 , net exports were greater in 2005 than in 2000.
vacillate ..... publicize
New resource deposits are constantly being discovered
Other countries need economic development more than Alpha country does.
Alpha country consumes one-third of all resources used in the world
Other countries have agreed to hold their resource consumption at present levels
Alpha country has been conserving resources for several years
Bangladesh Bank Ordinance , 1972
Bank Companies Act , 1991
British Banking Act, 1886
Bank and Financial Institutions Act , 2003