Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
নির্বাচন কমিশন সচিবালয় || জেলা নির্বাচন অফিসার/সহকারী সচিব (07-05-2004)
সকল বিষয়
মিনিকে দেখে মিলু অবাক হইল
both a noun and an adjective
Person who abstains completely from alcoholic liquour
Person who likes drinking wine
Person who hates drinking wine
person who is heavily drunk
State language of a country
Language adopted for communication where many languages are spoken
language spoken by maximun number of people in the word
His speech is very allusive to be understood
His speech is too allusive to be understood
His speech is allusive enough to be understood
His speech is too allusive to understood
remain neutral in a dispute
which colour do you prefer, the red of the blue?
which colour you prefer, the red of the blue?
which colour do prefer, the red or blue?
which colour do you prefer more, the red of the blue?