The correct spelling is --
The word 'diabetic' is ---
Choose the appropriate preposition . The girl prides herself ---- her beauty.
The word 'teetotaller' means---
'Lingua franca' means--
Which of the following words is misspelt?
Find out the correct option :--- He looks as though he ------ a ghost .
Select the correct sentence.
The synonym for ' Bona fide' is---
What do you mean by the phrase 'Sit on the fence'?
Find out the correct sentence.
"Millennium' is a period of ---
He sat there brooding --- whether life was worth living.
A man who is popular ---- his neighbors is supposed to be a good man.
I prevailed --- my friend to lend me TK. 5000 .
Officials who are destitute ----- sympathy do not have incentive-- work hard.
Look --- it that this does not happen again.
Which is the correct sentence ?
Fill in the blanks. The sun ----- set, we reached home.
Select the best option . It's 10 a.m. now. The sun ---- in the eastern sky.