Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Bangladesh Bank - Assistant Director - 2015
সকল বিষয়
বিশেষণের পরিবর্তে ব্যবহার করা
বিশেষ্যের পুনরাবৃত্তি দূর করা
ভাষা শব্দ সম্পদ বৃদ্ধি করা
একাত্তরের দিনগুলো (উপন্যাস)
দক্ষিণারঞ্জন মিত্র মজুমদার
be the most important planet of the solar system
be the nearest planet of the sun
There is a person in the party who is acquainted with all the twenty-six others .
Each person in the party has a different number of acquaintances
There is a person in the party who has an odd number of acquaintances
In the party, there is no set of three mutual acquaintances .
It is the time to search for alternative
New reserves of coal would be found before 2050
Demand for coal is growing fast
World's coal reserve is declining
Brain damaged can be caused by an accident
Brains of men and women are organized differently in the way they process speech
Both sides of the brain are responsible for speech organization
Brain researchers are locked in argument over the process of language development
SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement
SAARC Preferential Tariff Arrangement
South Asian Preferential Trading Arrangement
South Asian Preferential Tariff Arrangement
Takes much time to load a program
Disk access time is faster
Gives abnormal error message
Inadequacy in system memory