In which country did the Man Mau uprising (1952-60) occur ?
In the CAMELS bank-rating system, the letter 'A' stands for :
Who won six consecutive Wimbledon singles titles in the 1980s ?
The highest tunnel for high-speed train in the world has been recently opened in :
The Declaration of Independence in the USA was written by :
The only country in South East Asia that was never colonized by a European power is :
The European Central Bank is based in :
The series of sketches known as 'Famine Sketches' was drawn by :
'Bourse' is a European word for what financial mechanism ?
The highest mountain in Bangladesh is :
Which is the financial centre and main city of Switzerland ?
The American state that is nearest to the former Soviet Union is :
In terms of Muslim population, the rank of Bangladesh is :
The Italian explorer who is said to have discovered America is :
The Bangladeshi born UN Under Secretary General for Field Support is :
Which canal is known as the 'Highway to India' ?
In which city was Martin Luther King assassinated in 1968 ?
The free trade area comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Venezuela is called :
What is the name of the ancient Roman city that was destroyed by the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius in the first century ?