Which sector of organization uses the largest volume of Gas in Bangladesh ?
Which one is not a commercial bank ?
What is the season in Bangladesh now i.e. in the month of May ?
1st Baishak is generally celebrated on which English Calendar date ?
Which Ministry controls banking sector in Bangladesh ?
What is the world's population now ?
Which is the hazardous metallic pollutant in the air of Dhaka city ?
Which is the largest ?
The largest cash crop of Bangladesh is :
Who can become the members of FBCCI ?
Head office of ILO is located in :
From which date Fiscal Year starts in Bangladesh ?
In Y2K, K stands for what ?
If letters CAD stand for 314, BAD stand for what number ?
In a parliament , there will always be :
Which is the longest day of the year ?
In which year United Nations was founded ?
Where is the IMF headquarters located ?
What was the former name of Japan ?
Sources of Govt. revenue in Bangladesh include :
The symbol '£' indicates the currency of which country ?
On which date we observe the Victory Day of Bangladesh ?