How are the efficiencies of any heat engine (miu) and reversible heat engine (miuR) compared, when both are operating between same heat source and same heat sink?
which component of fluid velocity is responsible for transmission of power through aerodynamic machine?
which of the following components of reaction turbine increases the head on the turbine by an amount equal to the height of runner outlet above the tail race ?
which of the following number is applicable in open hydraulic structure such as spillways , where gravitational force is predominant ?
The scales form in heat exchanges after a period of operation and provide additional resistance to heat transfer with some heat transfer coefficient . The reciprocal of this scale heat transfer coefficient is called .
The ratio of shear modulus to the modulus of elasticity for a poisson's ratio of 0.4 will be
The bending moment on a section is maximum where shear force is
A cantilever beam of length L carries a gradually varying load form zero at free and w per unit length at the fixed end. The maximum deflection lies at
The cavitation in a hydraulic machine is mainly due to
The operation of making a cone -shaped enlargement of the end of a hole is known as
which type of gears has point contact between two mating gears?
The process of removing metal by a cutter which is rotated against the direction of travel of the workpiece, is called
Most of the oxy-acetylene welding is done with
If there are no externally induced flow velocities, then the Nusselt Number (Nu) does not depend upon
If the depth of water in an open channel is greater than the critical depth, the flow is called
A process, in which the gas is heated or expanded in such a way that the product of its pressure and volume remains constant , is called
The fuel mostly used in cement industry and in metallurgical processes is
The maximum frictional force , which comes into play , when a body just begins to slide over the surface of the surface of the other body, is known as
In are welding , the temperature of heat produced by the elcetric are is of the order of
Transverse fillet welds are designed for
As the number of cylinders on multi cylinder engines increases the power to weight ratio
In a Diesel engine, during combustion the pressure may increase at a range of
A beam supporting a uniformly distributed load over its entire length L is pinned at one end and passes over a roller support at a distance x from the other end . The value of x such that the greatest bending moment in the beam is as small as possible, will be
The columns whose slenderness ration is less than 80 , are known as
Determine power rating of an electric motor if it runs at 1440 rpm and line shaft transmits torque of 75 Nm. Assume Reduction ratio =1.6
which of the following refrigerant has the lowest freezing point?