Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
The meeting will hold in the college premise.
The meeting will be hold in the college premise,
The meeting will be held in the college premise.
The meeting will be held in the college premises
to do something easy and fair
to do something laboriously
to do something complicated
to do something auxiliary
the art of behaving with a foreigner
the art of speaking without moving lips.
the art of speaking with the help of the soft palate.
the art of walking in a fashion show.
ঢাকার সোহরাওয়ার্দী উদ্যানে
বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান
মহর্ষি দেবেন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর
উপসর্গ থাকে সামনে, প্রত্যয় পেছনে
সাহিত্যকে সাথে নিয়ে চর্চা
প্রাচীন ভারতীয় আর্য-ভাষাগােষ্ঠী
ইন্দো-ইউরােপীয় ভাষাগােষ্ঠী
ইন্দো-ইরানীয় ভাষাগােষ্ঠী বলে
কৃষক সমাজের সংগ্রামশীল জীবন
তৎকালীন মুসলিম মধ্যবিত্ত সমাজের চিত্র
মুসলিম জমিদার শ্রেণির জীবন কাহিনী
the study of the structure and function of the brain
the study of the structure and function of cells from living things
the study of the function of the human psyche
the study of the structure and function of the lever of living things
I shall finish the book before college time
Lavill finish the book before the time of college
shall have finished reading the book before I go to college tomorrow.
I shall have finished reading the book before go to the college.
Since his business went bankrupt twenty years of hard work went up in smoke
Business failure for his twenty years of hard work went up in smoke
Twenty years of hard work went up in smoke following bankruptcy in his business
Twenty years of hardwork went up in smoke because of
Bad habits are advised to give up by father.
Father advised that bad habits should be given up
Bad habits should be given up by father
Bad habits are advised to be given up by father.
to stop caring about how dangerous something might be
to warn people about the approach of the cyclonic storm
to disseminate the message of the cyclonic storm among the people of the coastal belt
The pill is to be taken alternative with the mixture.
The pill is to be taken alternatively with the mixture.
The pill is to be taken alternately with the mixture.
The pill is to be taken alternate with the mixture.
demonstrative determiners
রােকেয়া সাখাওয়াত হােসেন
বঙ্কিমচন্দ্র চট্টোপাধ্যায়
একাত্তরের দিনগুলি (উপন্যাস)
ভাবানুবাদে আন্তরিকতা থাকলে