Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
সকল বিষয়
স্রোতস্বিনী, নিঝরিণী, সিন্ধু
যশলাভ, সদ্যোজাত, সংবর্ধনা
স্বায়ত্তশাসন, আভ্যন্তর, জন্মবার্ষিক
ঐক্যতান, কেবলমাত্র, উপরােক্ত
তারাশঙ্কর বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়
A cat loves fish but is loath to wet her feet.
A man has the desire to catch fish but the water.
A cat loves to fish but is determined not to water her.
A cat is fond of fish but is not loath to wet her feet.
There is no place in the bench.
There is no room in the bench.
There is no space in the bench.
There is no earth in the bench.
to use one's ability to make someone go quick
to use one's power to enable someone to work stead
to make one's hand useful in a mission
to use one's authority to make someone work harder
I know what has been thought by the man now.
J am known what the man thinks now.
What the man is thinking now is known to me
to walk in the bush for a long time
to talk about something for a short time without come to the main point
to walk around the bush with the view to hunting dove
to talk about something for a long time without the main point.
a person who has full power to take action and decision
a person who has mentality to help others
a person who knows how to earn money
a person who has full faith in his own action
I must not accuse her until I have known.
I must not accuse her before I know.
I must not accuse her before I am knowing.
I'must not accuse her before I have known.
ভোক্তার রুচি ও পছন্দের উপর
International Management fund
International Marketing Fund
International Movement Fund
International Monetary Fund
Relationship between engineers and doctors
Relationship between politicians and appointed officials or professionals
Relationship between ministers
Appointed officials of professionals
These will not be able to attract high caliber
The politicians will be compelled to resign from
Appointed officials or professionals
The girl laughed and entered the room.
The girl entered the room laughing
The girl laughed entering the room.
The girl laughingly entered the room.
They admitted that they were guilty
They admitted when they were guilty
They admitted because they were guilty
They admitted, they have guiltiness
কাঁদো নদী কাঁদো (গল্পগ্রন্থ)