৫ ২৩-৩২৫×২১৭১৩এর ২১ ৫৯- ২২২৭-৪৭৫=?
In a square field of side 30 meters, 4 cows are grazing the field as they are tied at each of the four corners with a 14 meter long rope for each cow. What is the ungrazed area in the field?
There are two examination rooms A and B. If 10 students are sent from A to B, then the number of students in each room is the same. If 20 candidates are sent from B to A then the number of students in A is double the number of students in B. What is the number of students in room A?
If m and n are whole numbers such that mn prime prime =121, then the value of (m - 1)(n + 1) is: