একটি সমকোণী ত্রিভুজের সমকোণ সংলগ্ন বাহু দুটির দৈর্ঘ্য ৮ ইঞ্চি ও ৬ ইঞ্চি হলে ত্রিভুজটির তৃতীয় বাহুর দৈর্ঘ্য কত?
(x2+1)2=3x2 হলে, x3+1x3
- 3
একটি গাড়ির চাকা প্রতি মিনিটে ৯০ বার ঘোরে। এক সেকেন্ডে চাকাটি কত ডিগ্রি ঘুরবে?
If 4 years' interest of Principal tk.500 and 5 years interest of Principal Tk. 600 are Tk. 500 in total , what is the rate of interest ?
If x2-7x+12<0, then which of the following is true ?
The area of a square on a straight line is how many times that on its one- third ?
A={x∈N: x2>8,x3<30} হলে x এর সঠিক মান কত?
A two-digit number becomes five-sixth of itself when its digits are reversed . The two digits differ by one. What is the number ?
If x2-3x+1=0 ,what is the value of x2-1/x2?
M সংখ্যক সংখ্যার গড় A এবং N সংখ্যক সংখ্যার গড় B হলে সবগুলো সংখ্যার গড় কত হবে?
30 men took a dip in a water tank 20m long and 15m broad on a religious day.If the aveage water displacement of water by a man is 2m3, then the rise in the water level in the tank will be --
What is the fourth proportional of 3,9 and 4?
which of the following is the ratio of the sides of a right angled triangle ?
What is the probability that product of two integers (not necessarily different integers ) randomly selected from the numbers 1 to 20, inclusive , is odd ?
In an examination 40% of the total candidates are female .40% of female candidates and 30% of male candidates pass in the exam.What is the overall percentage of passing ?
The length of a rectangular room is double of its breadth.If the area is 512 square inches , what is the perimeter ?
If Qr=23 ,what is the value of r+Qr-Q ?
The average weight of 6 persons of a group is 75 kg.If a person weighting 50 kg leaves the group, what will be the average weight of the group m?