Finding the Alien one from a list of words.
Identification of Missing Word. He is famous not only in his village also in the whole country.
Identification of Missing Word. You should prepare yourself take the examination.
Identification of Missing Word. He was interested making a film.
For each of these sentences, identify which quotation section is incorrect.'He is' 'quite' capable 'of doing' the work 'by himself'.
For each of these sentences, identify which quotation section is incorrect. 'At the eyes' 'of the' law, 'robbery' is a greater offence 'than' theft.
For each of these sentences, identify which quotation section is incorrect. 'Whenever' people 'live' together in 'one' place, they 'formed' a community.
Sharks "can detect" minute "electrical" discharges "coming" from "its" prey. "No Error"
"In the" architecture , "a capital" is "the top" portion of "a column." "No Error"
Ducks are "less" susceptible "to" infections "than" other types of "poultry." "No Error"
The "sum of all" chemical reactions in "an organism's " living cells "are" called "its" metabolism. "No Error".
For how long did you watch TV last night?
Where did you spend your last weekend?
What is his brother's age?
Who was standing with you?
Fill in the gap : If I ----not met you, I would still be living in Delhi now.
Fill in the gap : The branch of the tree is ---high for the boy ----climb.
Fill in the gap : I do not like a person who hankers ---wealth.