___ loosing the first match, our team has won the world cup.
Because of
In order to
In spite
We eagerly look forward to___ from you.
She ___ a new idea for increasing sales.
came up
came up with
came up on
came upon
The class teacher ___ Rahim move to another seat.
A major concern among Bangladeshi archaeologists today is the preservation of our archaeological sites, ----are threatened by development.
The chemistry lab instructor informed us that the higher the temperature of a molecule---
Such a --------- glance can pay -------- attention to details.
Rarely ------ seen far from water
Identification of Errors. Mr. Humayun Ahmed "achieved" fame both "as a"writer "or" as a "film maker". "No Error"
Sharks "can detect" minute "electrical" discharges "coming" from "its" prey."No Error"
"In the " architechture, "a capital" is "the top" portion of "a column"."No Error"
Ducks are "less" susceptible "to" infections "than" other types of "poultry" ."No Error"
The "sum of all" chemical reactions in "an organism's" living cells "are" called "its" metabolism."No Error"
Select the option that best expresses the meaning of the Underlined Word/Phrase. He always "to make hay while the sun shines".
Select the option that best expresses the meaning of the Underlined Word/Phrase. Many teenagers are "going to the dogs" because of excessive use of social networking sites in the intrnet.
Select the option that best expresses the meaning of the Underlined Word/Phrase. He has gone to the United States Of America "for good".
Select the option that best expresses the meaning of the Underlined Word/Phrase. Prices of essential goods are rising "by leaps and bounds".
Select the option that best expresses the meaning of the Underlined Word/Phrase. Though his answer was "a shot in the dark", it was a correct one.
Finding the Alien one from a list of words.