Which of the following types of menu shows the further sub-choices ?
Which of the following error occurs when software tries to access protected memory ?
Which of the following is not a logical function used in MS-excel ?
If you wish to extend the length of the network without having the signal degrade , you would use a _____ .
Ctrl , shift and alt are called ____ keys .
What device includes an adapter that diodes data sent in radio singalons ?
Which of the following operating system is an open source software?
What is the correct HTML tag for columns in a table
USB is_______ storage device.
Which one of the following is a loop construct that will always be executed be execited once?
Which input vakue will cause an AND logic gate to produce a HIGH output?
Which of the following is not a valid IPV4 Address?
Consider that 5 computers are connected through mesh topology in a computer network. What are the number of connection lines nende if we want to add 2 more computers in the network?
Using output devices one can-
Spyware is a type of -
Which of the following group has only input devices?
Python is a -
Which of the following is the shortcut control key for centering text?
Which of the key is not on the number keypad?
ই-মেইলের ক্ষেত্রে সিসি (CC) এর অর্থ কি?
close circuit
carbon copy
close contact
close copy