Suppose the value of cell E5 in MS-Excel sheet is 3500. If we apply the formula =IF(E5<20000,E5*10%,ES*20%), what will be the result ?
Which one of the following programming languages is not a high level language ?
How many keys are available in the Numerical Key Pad of a standard Key-board ?
Which one is a Utility Software ?
Bluetooth operations use -
To connect two Ethernet LAN segments with different Network IDs, what type of device is required ?
The IP address belongs to which of the following class ?
A varsity campus has hundreds of computers and they are interconnected using Windows Operating System . What type of network is it ?
POST means -
In Bangladesh, BRTC provides bandwidth of internet services through submarine cable network . Which of the following submarine cable networks is connected with Bangladesh ?
All the Banking ATMs accept-
Which of the following cards can be used in POS terminal in order to pay for purchasing goods ?
ATM stands for -
Which one is not an extension of compressed file ?
A hard disk has the storage capacity of 80 GB. It can store a total of __
Which one of the following is an example of Open Source Operating System?
Which one of the following is an example of optical storage device?
what is the sum of 0.15 , 0.10 and 0.65 ?
Which disk is used to cold boot a PC ?
A collected of unprocessed items is ______ .