Mr. Zahid signed a contract for building a road of 1920 meters long wing 120 days. He employed 160 workers for this task . But after 24 days he found that only 1/8 that only 1/8 of the task has been finished. If Mr. Zahid wants to finish the road in time many additional workers he has to employ?
Mr. Zahid 1920 মিটার দীর্ঘ একটা Road 120 দিনে তৈরী করার জন্য একটি চুক্তি করলেন। এজন্য তিনি 160 জন শ্রমিক নিয়োগ করলেন। কিন্তু 24 দিন পর দেখলেন যে, কাজের মাত্র অংশ কাজ সম্পন্ন হয়েছে। এখন তিনি যদি সময়মতো কাজটি সম্পন্ন করতে চান তবে অতিরিক্ত কতজন লোক নিয়োগ করতে হবে?
Given time to complete the task= 120 days & Work already done = Part
Now, after 24 days, remaining time = 120-24= 96 days
& After part work done, remaining task= Part
Now, 24 days are needed to do of the work by 160 workers
1 day is needed to do of the work by workers
1 day is needed to do 1 of the work by workers
96 days are needed do of the work by workers
Additional workers are needed =
The simple interest on a sum of money will be Tk. 600 after 10 years. If the principal is trebled after 5 years , what will be the total interest at the end of the tenth years?
10 বছর পর কোনো আসলের সরল সুদ 600 টাকা হবে। 5 বছর পর আসল 3 গুণ হলে 10 বছর পর মোট সুদ কত হবে?
Amount of interest in 10 years = 600 Tk.
Amount of interest in 1 years = =60 Tk.
In simple interest, the principal is trebled, the interest will also be trebled.
Amount of interest in first 5 years =
And the of interest in the next 5 years =
At the end of tenth total interest will be =