Meghna Bank Ltd Recruitment Test for Management Trainee Officer Examination Held On : 28.10.217 || 2017


Impact of Padma Bridge on the Bangladesh Economy

The Padma Bride is a multipurpose road rail bridge across the Padma River to be constructed in
Bangladesh. When completed it will be the largest bridge in Bangladesh and the first fixed river crossing for road traffic. It will connect Louhajong. Munshingonj to Shariatpur and Madaripur linking the south- west of the country, to northern and eastern regions. The total area of land to be acquired and required for its components is 918 hectares. The requisition of land for the construction yard will be for six years on a rental basis. As per the new design, an additional 144.04 hectares has been identified for acquisition bringing the total to 1062.14 hectares.

We know, Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge has facilitated as in communicating with the north-western people of our country. Agriculture and industry have evolved due to this improved communication
system. It has changed life of people living near the bridge. Likewise Padma Bridge will expedite and
accelerate the communication with the south-western people of our country. At least 29% of the people living in Bangladesh will get the direct facility of constructing Padma Bridge This will helps our GDP growing bulk in size. For this reason, number of poverty will be reduced, employment opportunity will be created and the social human development index will be rise. Per capital income of people will sour up. people's living standard will go up.

In fine, the government step to construct the Padma Bridge despite turning down of World Bank in
financing is a brave decision which carried praise from home and abroad. But the government needs to maintain transparency and efficiency in each and every process of building the bridge as the is being built with the people's hard-carried money. 

বাংলা হতে ইংরেজিতে অনুবাদ করুন:

সংগ্রাম মানজীভনের বিভিন্ন ধাপে নানা ধরনের বাধা বিপত্তি আসে। তবে মানুষের জীবনে দুর্দিন দুঃসময় চিরস্থায়ী নয়। এগুলো অবসান হবেই।অন্ধকারের পরেই আলোর অবস্থান। যেমন মানুষ সুখের আকাঙ্ক্ষী । সুখ তার কাম্য , দুঃখ তার পরিত্যাজ্য। দুঃখকে সে ভয়করে । সামনে বিপদের ছায়া ঘনীভূত হয়ে উঠলে সে মুহ্যমান হয়ে পড়ে। কিন্তু অবিমিশ্র সুখ কখনও পাওয়া যায় না। সুখের সঙ্গে দুঃখের সঙ্গ সুখ উভয়ে ওতোপ্রোতভাবে জড়িত। তাছাড়া দুঃখের অমারাত্রি পার হয়েই আসে আনন্দঘন প্রভাত। সুতরাং দুঃখের ভয়ে ভীত হওয়া উচিৎ নয়। দুঃখের অগ্নিপরীক্ষার ভিতর দিয়েই মানুষের চিত্ত শুচিশুভ্র হয়ে উঠে, মানুষ লাভ করে নতুনতম মহিমান্বিত জীবন। সুতরাং দুঃখের পথ বেয়ে আসে সুখ ও শান্তি । মেঘ যতই গভীর ও ঘন বিপদে ভেঙ্গে পড়লে চলবেনা বলিষ্ঠ আত্মবিশ্বাসে তার মোকাবিলা করতে হবে।

Created: 2 months ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

Striving human life comes across different types of obstacles at varied stages. But evil day human life doesn't last longer. It must be ceased. Light comes just after the darkness passes like people desire happiness. Felicity is bodacious, sorrow is abandoned. She/he fears sorrow imperilment thickened in front of him, he/she griefs with fear. But unmingled happiness comes in mind. Happiness and sorrows are closely interconnected with one Besides agreeable day-break comes after the end of the ocean of sorrows. So, we shouldn't be afraid sorrows. Ordeal brings out a plain and unalloyed soul, help getting a majestic life. Therefore, and happiness comes through a path of sorrows. Cloud with whatever energies it belong has power to engulf the sun. Sun must smile surpassing the darkness of cloud. Burdened with grief and sorrows, we should not breakdown, rather we have to face it with stout determination.