A sense of unity and cohesion must be given top priority in the new code of conduct.
An action is moral so far as the action has its influence over the matter and immoral so far as it desists from it.
To exclusionism and isolationism, we have to be effaced from our moral vocabulary.
To make life worth-living, we must make living itself possible and living is not possible in case of modern men and women without an adequate and abiding sense of unity.
A suitable title: Unity Vs Isolationism.
Expatriates are the ancillary force in the economy of Bangladesh. Economic activities of Bangladesh is expanding with the money remitted by expatriates. There has been a substantial contribution of expatriates in raising and enriching the per-capital income and foreign currency reserves respectively in Bangladesh. In the stage of the economic progress of the world, the immigration issue in the sustainable development goals announced by the United Nations have attracted due importance.
Bangladesh girls have championed the SAF football games.
It seems to me the man is morbid.
I know that he has to retaliate extremely one day for this.
I am pleased to talk to you.
Sorry, I have no change.