সাধারণ বীমা কর্পোরেশন || জুনিয়র অফিসার (12-07-2019) || 2019


The Role of Opposition in Democracy

The role of the opposition is vital to the healthy growth of democracy and in the larger public interest. The role of opposition in parliament is a necessary and indispensable component (অবিচ্ছেদ্য  অংশ) of democracy. Democracy is an inclusive process in which all citizens, men and women representing all political and social forces in the country. The traditional role of the opposition can be identified under three components: the voice of the voiceless (নির্বাকের বাক); an alternative to the ruling government; and official opposition. A fourth role has been evolved as a critical partner in nation-building (জাতি গঠন)।

The primary role of the opposition is to offer a credible (বিশ্বাসযোগ্য) alternative to the majority in power. Moreover, by overseeing and criticizing the action of the executive, it works to ensure transparency (স্বচ্ছতা), integrity (সততা) and efficiency in the conduct of public affairs and to prevent abuses by the authorities and individuals. It also works in scrutinizing the operations of the executive, that is, exercising the oversight of the implementation of the law from the angle of performance and accountability (জবাবদিহীতা) and, especially, the use of the finances granted to the executive for its work.

The role of the opposition is not to rule. But, the opposition must have the right to operate in a free and democratic atmosphere. The opposition also has access to state media equally. All state-owned media (রাষ্টয়ত্ব মাধ্যম) should afford fair opportunities and facilities for the presentation of divergent views and dissenting opinions (মতভেদ) to both the government and the opposition. The opposition shall be entitled to criticize the functioning of the courts or the executive. It shall be entitled to inquire about presumed human rights violations and to call for remedial action (প্রতিকারক উপায়)

The opposition has the responsibility to be fair in the criticism of government policies. The opposition also has the responsibility to uphold and defend the sovereignty , unity and the national integrity of the country. It should therefore not engage in activities that could undermine (ভিত্তি দুর্বল করা) the unity and stability of the state. A basic obligation of the opposition is to conduct its functions within the framework of the law, including the national constitution, civil and criminal law and parliamentary rules of procedure. Opposition parties are obliged to respect the law, like everybody else. Subject to the modifications of parliamentary immunity, the opposition may be held accountable for any unlawful activity , like any other organization and individual. The duties of the opposition are defined by political and behavioural rules, not by constitutional norms or parliamentary texts. Therefore, the duties of opposition do not require codification.
The political system in Bangladesh is dominated by two heritage parties. The robust democratic countries are implied player in the game of democracy in Bangladesh. It's true that the opposition party in Bangladesh has a very little role to play in governance. We know that opposition parties are the unpaid but dedicated principal researchers for the government in power. Moreover, rulling parties typically use official resources to stifle opposition parties and perpetuate  themselves in power. Therefore, opposition parties, for their part are substantially weak in Bangladesh.
In fine, it can be said that democracy is the moderate form of idealogy to govern a country where the opposition party plays a very important role to guide the rulling government.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 5 days ago

গরম এলে মশাদের উৎপাত বাড়ে ৷

= Mosquitoes appalling rises in the hot.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 4 days ago

যতই তাহারা শুনিতে লাগিল, ততই তারা বিস্মিত হইল ৷

= The more they listened, the more they became amaze.

সূর্য উঠে উঠে এমন সময় আমরা সে স্থান পরিত্যাগ করিলাম ।

= We left the place when the sun rose.

Translate the following passage into English:

সে যেন একটা শিশু।

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 5 days ago

সে যেন একটা শিশু।

= As if he is a baby.

কয়েক দিন ধরে বই মেলায় প্রচুর ভীড় দেখা যাচ্ছে ।

= Huge crowd has been noticed in the book fair for some few days.

Translate the following passage into Bangla.

The wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 5 days ago

The wearer knows where the shoe pinches.

= যার জ্বালা সে-ই বুঝে।

Translate the following passage into Bangla.

He is making faces at me.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 4 days ago

He is making faces at me.

= সে আমাকে ভেংচি দিচ্ছে।

Translate the following passage into Bangla.

The detective left no stone upturned to find out the culprit.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 3 days ago

The detective left no stone unturned to find out the culprit.

= অপরাধী ধরতে গোয়েন্দা চেষ্টার কোনো ত্রুটি করলো না 

Translate the following passage into Bangla.

He is too proud to talk.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 3 days ago

He is too proud to talk.

= সে এতই গর্বিত অনুভব করলো যে সে কোনো কথাই বলতে পারলো না ।

Translate the following passage into Bangla.

The boy takes after his father.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 3 days ago

The boy takes after his father.

= ছেলেটি দেখতে তার বাবার মতো।

Date: 12.07.2019
Md. Niamot Ullah
Assistant Teacher
Manikgonj Govt. High School
Contract no: 0171111111

Managing Director
Sadharan Bima Corporation
Motijheel C/A-1000
Subject: Prayer for settlement of a claim that has been matured.

Dear Sir,

With due reverence I want to draw your kind attention about the fact that I have an life insurance policy for 15 years with your renowned insurance company. My Insurance number is 50060. Yesterday, my life insurance has been matured. Now I want to encash the whole amount from the
insurance policy.

Considering the above circumstances, please take the necessary steps and help me encashing the whole amount in the earliest possible time and oblige me thereby.

Your sincerely
Md. Niamot Ullah

Great catastrophe that destroyed more than 13,000 houses in 1,666 prompted to form a dedicated insurance market in the late 17th century in England.

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 3 days ago

Nicholas Barbon established the first fire insurance company in 1680 in England.

Primarily 79 life members exchanged information about insurance and they contribute $15 each to form a insurance company. All the members were got together in the Lioyd's coffee house in London's Tower Street.

Major disasters that occurred from Hamburg fire expedited the development of the idea of reinsurance.

Rules and regulations for stabilizing financial system.

Sometimes written rules and regulations are not sufficient to solve the ensuing financial problems as newly occured problems are totally different from older ones. But reformers are trying their best to maintain a balanced relationship between problems and solution of financial institutions. It is time to see the outcome of extraordinary measures taken by the western government to tackle the impeding process of financial evolution

Write short notes on the following:

Green Financing

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 4 days ago

"Green" means something that is commenced with the environment friendly initiatives. So, green financing can be an initiative as a sign of the green economy, leading to the sustainable growth of a country. Even the concept of green economy might seem to ensure the economic sustainability of a country. We improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. That means the pathways of green economy are a complete process for making a foundation of sustainable development, since the outcome of the green economy can describe a broad range of social, economical and environmental sustainability of a country. So, simply, green financing in business may promote green economy of a country and at the same time the by-product of such industrial development will be in the sustainable manner - low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive.

Write short notes on the following:


Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 3 days ago

Globalization: Globalization is very important in international relations. Basically it is a process of expanding trade and commerce all over the world by creating a border less maker. But it has a far reaching effect on many aspects of life. With the development of high tech communication media and rapid transportation facilities, the world comes closer. We can now learn instantly what is happening in the farthest corner of the world and travel to any country in the shortest possible time. Countries in the world are like the families in a village. They can even share immediately come to its assistance. But taking advantages of the idea of globalization, capitalism seems to be on triumphant much. It is creating more opportunity for capitalist countries rather than for the developing ones.

Write short notes on the following:

Under Invoicing

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 4 days ago

Under Invoicing: Under invoicing is the act or practice of stating the price of a good on an invoice as being less than the price actually paid. Under invoicing occurs if the importer or exporter wishes to reduce a tariff or if a buyer or seller wishes to reduce their apparent profits so as to pay less in taxes.

Write short notes on the following:

Free Market Economy

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 4 days ago

Free Market Economy: Free market economy is an economic system where a government has little or no control over the demand and supply of commodities. In this market system, buyers and sellers meet to trade and to dertermine prices and quantities for goods and services. Adam Smith proclaimed that the invisible hands of markets would lead to the optimal economic outcome as individuals persue their own self- interest.

Write short notes on the following:

Bank to Back Letter of Credit

Created: 4 weeks ago | Updated: 6 hours ago

Back to Back Letter of Credit: Back-to-back letters of credit consist of two letters of credit (LCs) used together to finance a transaction. A back-to-back letter of credit is usually used in a transaction involving an intermediary between the buyer and seller, such as a broker, or when a seller must purchase the goods, it will sell from a supplier as part of the sale to his buyer.

Back-to-back LCs essentially substitute the two issuing banks' credit to the buyer's and intermediary's and thus help facilitate trade between parties who may be dealing from great distances and who may not otherwise be able to verify one another's credit.