টেকসই উন্নয়ন লক্ষ্যমাত্রার (এসডিজি) আওতায় আন্তর্জাতিক সম্প্রদায় ২০৩০ সালের মধ্যে ক্ষুধার অবসান, খাদ্যনিরাপত্তা ও উন্নত পুষ্টিমান অর্জনে প্রতিজ্ঞাবদ্ধ। একই সঙ্গে টেকসই কৃষির প্রসারের অংশ হিসেবে কৃষিজ উৎপাদনশীলতা এবং ক্ষুদ্র পরিসর খাদ্য উৎপাদকদের আয় দ্বিগুণ করার লক্ষ্য রয়েছে। সহস্রাব্দ উন্নয়ন লক্ষ্যমাত্রা (এমডিজি) অর্জনে সাফল্য লাভের ধারাবাহিকতায় বাংলাদেশও সংশ্লিষ্ট সবাইকে সমতার আওতায় এনে উন্নয়নের স্রোতধারায় যুক্ত করার প্রত্যয় নিয়ে এসডিজি বাস্তবায়নের পথে কাজ করছে। মাঠ পর্যায়ে এসডিজি বাস্তবায়নের গুরুত্ব সম্পর্কে সবাই কমবেশি জানেন। তবে কঠিন শব্দের বেড়াজাল টপকে লক্ষ্যমাত্রার সঠিক অর্থ উপলব্ধি অনেকের কাছে কষ্টসাধ্য।
= The international community is committed achieving food security, improved nutrition and eradicating hunger by 2030 under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Besides, this goals aim to double agricultural productivity and income for small scale of production as a part of sustainable agriculture augmentation. As a consecutive part of success of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Bangladesh is also working towards implementing the SDG with a strong determination to bring all people under the equality of development. All the people know more or less about the importance of implementation of SDG at the field level. But it is tough for many people to realize the correct meaning of the goals in a barrage of difficult words.
Everybody deserves to get education as it is one of the basic human rights in all aspects of life. Though education in Bangladesh has witnessed a drastic expansion in recent times, quality education remains costlier in many cases still now. A good number of students are apparently struggling to afford schooling in city areas, especially in Dhaka city. The increased expenditure puts them in a limbo, resulting in dropout. Government and private sector should come forward in this regard to make education affordable for all.
= জীবনের সকল দিক থেকে শিক্ষা মৌলিক অধিকারগুলির মধ্যে অন্যতম হওয়ায় এটি গ্রহণের অধিকার সবাই রাখে। সম্প্রতি বাংলাদেশে শিক্ষার ব্যাপক প্রসার ঘটলেও গুণগত শিক্ষা এখনো অধরাই রয়ে গেছে। শহরগুলির মধ্যে বিশেষ করে ঢাকা শহরে অনেক ছাত্রছাত্রী তাদের পড়াশুনার খরচ চালানোর জন্য হিমশিম খাচ্ছে। এই বর্ধিত খরচ তাদেরকে শিক্ষা থেকে দূরে ঠেলে দিচ্ছে, ফলে ঝরে পড়ার সংখ্যা বেড়ে যাচ্ছে। সবার জন্য শিক্ষাকে সুলভ করার জন্য সরকার ও বেসরকারি খাতকে এগিয়ে আসা উচিৎ।
Agent Banking and Financial Inclusion
Agent banking which aims to provide limited scale banking and financial services to the underserved population through engaged agents under a valid agency agreement, is contributing to the financial inclusion landscape in Bangladesh.
Although the central bank issued an agent banking guideline in 2013, the first banks started full fledged agent operations in 2016.
Over the last five years, agent banking has come a long way but some hurdles need to be resolved to expedite its sustainable growth by creating more enabling regulatory environment while taking the stakeholder's views into account.
Agent banking is the most useful channel when it comes to providing financial services to the extreme poor Development entities such as non-government organisations and micro-finance institutions (MFI) are working to link clients with agent banking to provide better financial services. The MFIs can work as agencies of banks in localities for greater financial inclusion.
Bangladesh has made significant progress in financial inclusion over the past eight years, with at much as 48 per cent of the adult population now under the banking umbrella. In 2013, only 20 per cent of Bangladesh's adult population was under the umbrella of formal financial services.
Financial inclusion or inclusive financing is the delivery of financial services at affordable costs to sections of disadvantaged and low-income segments of society, in contrast to financial exclusion where those services are not available or affordable.
Mobile financial services (MFS) played a big role in the financial inclusion process. About Tk 10 billion is transacted daily through this platform on an average, a figure that surprises many bankers. Rural people can make deposits and borrow from the agents, a move that has expanded the banking services widely across the country. In fact, the central bank's nod to MFS and agent banking has remarkably changed the scenario of financial inclusion process in Bangladesh.
In addition, the Bangladesh Bank has taken a number of moves, such as refinancing scheme for women and small and medium enterprise (SME) entrepreneurs and green funds for equitable and sustainable economic growth.
Yet, there are many things to do as a large number of the people still remains out of any formal financial services. Rural market and people are still outside major banking services. Financial inclusion can be done in two ways opening of rural bank branches and the use of financial technologies. However, there is another way to deepen financial inclusion: agriculture financing through non-government organisations (NGOs) which are widely present throughout the country.
The central bank can also relax its policies on agent banking to encourage more banks to launch the service. According to financial analysts, Bangladesh is on the right track towards financial inclusion and the next two to three years are likely to bring many new innovations.
Although MFS and agent banking have built a strong financial connectivity, a small wrong move can derail such services from their benefits. For example, if the telecom regulator increases the charge for the Unstructured Supplementary Service Data that allows banking services from one's basic feature phone without the need for internet connection, it would cause a dent to the financial inclusion drive.
Title: Ways out of deficit financing of Bangladesh.
The governments of developing countries like Bangladesh need to borrow to financing the deficits and to meet the development commitments.
Government can firstly borrow from Bangladesh Bank through Ways and Means Advance (WMA) and overdraft loans. And secondly it can borrow by issuing Treasury bills and bonds.
Treasury bills or T-bills are short term with less than one year maturity and are issued at discount price. On the other hand, the long term bonds are called T-bonds.
Government's limit for the short-term borrowing from the Bangladesh Bank have been raised by 50 percent. And recently, the Ways & Means Advance (WMA) and overdraft limits have been increased to 60 billion.
He came-----a very old letter written by his grandmother to his grandfather while he was he was looking------an old photo for his research paper.
He came by a very old letter written by his grandmother to his grandfather while he was he was looking for an old photo for his research paper.
Since I will be busy----my homework and preparation------the exam tomorrow, I don't think I will be able to go out tonight.
Since I will be busy with my homework and preparation for the exam tomorrow, I don't think I will be able to go out tonight.
Sorry, she can't come to the phone. She-----a bath.
Sorry, she can't come to the phone. She is having a bath.
People who are good-----making friends usually work in the field of trade, which requires having good communicative skills.
People who are good making friends usually work in the field of trade, which requires having good at communicative skills.
My son is mad-------science and technology. I guess he'll become an engineer.
My son is mad about science and technology. I guess he'll become an engineer
Quebec rises in a magnificent way above the St. Lawrence River.
Quebec rises in a magnificent way above the St. Lawrence River.
= Quebec rises magnificently above the St. Lawrence River.
During colonial days, a school room looked rather empty.
During colonial days, a school room looked rather empty.
= Colonial days, a school room looked rather empty.
If I would have known about the team tryouts, I would have signed up for them.
If I would have known about the team tryouts, I would have signed up for them.
= If I had known about the team tryouts, I would have signed up for them.
If he would have revised his first drat, he would have received a better grade.
If he would have revised his first drat, he would have received a better grade.
= If he had revised his first drat, he would have received a better grade.
Valarie claims that cats made the best pets.
Valarie claims that cats made the best pets.
= Valarie claims that cats make the best pets.
The Padma Bank Ltd.
Motijheel Corporate Branch.
Dilkusha, Motijheel. Dhaka
Subject: Prayer for financing a start up under the Bangladesh Bank's refinancing scheme.
Dear Sir,
With humble respect, I want to draw your kind attention that I have started a small business with 50 employees in Motijheel area. Our employees make different types of festival apparels such as clothes of Pahela Baishakh, Eid, Puja etc. We need to expand our business as there is a huge demand of such clothes all the year round. But getting fund for expanding our business is very difficult. So we want fund from the refinancing scheme of Bangladesh Bank where initial fund under the refinancing scheme is 1 billion taka. New and young entrepreneurs aged between 18 to 45 years are welcomed for this scheme. So under this scheme, we want 50 lacks taka to flourish our newly started business.
So, considering the above circumstance, we as a business team hope you will come up with 50 lacks taka for expanding our business which will help creating more employment generation and oblige us thereby.
Sincerely yours
Pronay Tirki
Managing Director
Faidh Apparels industries
12/3, Motijheel, Dhaka-1205
Let, us depicit a figure accourding to question
Here, number of people who had none of the three
=[Total-(both+all of the three)]
10 candidates had none of the three. (answer)
Let, he took x hours at 60 mph.
He took (5-x) hours at 80 mph.
According to question