আমি পায়ে হেঁটে পরীক্ষা দিতে এসেছি।
I have come to appear before examination on foot.
তুমি কি কাল স্কুলে গিয়েছো?
Did you go to school yesterday?
আমি চায়ের চেয়ে কফি পছন্দ করি
I prefer coffee to tea.
সকাল ৭.০০ ঘটিকা থেকে বৃষ্টি হচ্ছে।
It has been raining since 7.00 am.
যদি আমি কবি হতাম তাহলে সুন্দর কবিতা লিখতাম।
If I were a poet, I would write beautiful poems.
The functions of a Commercial Bank.
Crucial functions performed by the Commercial Banks are given below,
1. Receiving Deposits: This is the main function of commercial banks to collect savings of individuals and firms. They offer different types of deposits for the facility of the customers. Current Account or Demand Deposits Saving Account Fixed Deposit
2. Current Account or Demand Deposits: Any amount can be withdrawn from this accountant any time without any notice. No interest is allowed on this type of account.
3. Account: This type of deposit account which is usually held by the middle class group. The saving account carries lower rate of interest.
4. Fixed Deposit: Amount cannot be withdrawn before the fixed future date in this type of deposit. High interest is allowed in fixed deposit which is different according to period.
5. Advancing Loans: This is the important function of the commercial bank. Credit is given to th people in different ways.
6. Loan Account: There are three types of loans to borrowers.
i. Short Term Loans: These loans are advanced for the period six months to one year. High interest rate is charged on this type of accounts.
ii. Medium Term Loans: Loans from one to five years are called medium term loans.
iii. Long Term Loans: Loans which are advanced for the period, more than ten years are term loans.
7. Bank Overdraft: Banks allows their trustful customers to draw more than the deposit they have in the Bank. Bank charges interest on overdraft.
8. Cash Credit: Bank also gives credit against immovable property and interest is charged by bank.
9.Discount of Bills: This is income source of bank to discount bills of exchange. They chary nominal Interest and discount only reputed and clear of exchange.
Experience of your student life
Those of us who are college veterans will never forget our freshman year at college. Some us
may like to forget our freshman year, but in general it is a time filled with anticipation, son anxiety, and wonderful discoveries.
College is a lot different than high school. You may decide to commute from your home to a lo campus. Your freshman experience will definitely make an impression on you. Without doubt. though, the most dramatic freshman year is for those living away from home. What can you expect as you head off into the wonderful world of higher education? The first thing you'll notice is the workload. It will be heavier and more intense than you en experienced before. The major challenges of college work are the large volume of reading, the sh deadlines, and the writing, writing and more writing. A related effect that can be brought on by workload is doubt, frustration, and possibly loneliness. You'll be away from the comforts friendships your home provided for you over the previous years.
On some of those long, seemingly endless nights of studying and writing, it will be only natural you to long for the good old days. Hang there. These down periods will pass. Whatever you don't make major decisions about your major, your courses, or even your roommate during one these blue periods. Things always look better in the morning.
You'll be making a lot of new friends. Continue to be yourself. Don't strike a pose or play the m of someone you're not. Select your friends with the same care and patience you have always ust Believe it or not, your college friendships will be among the most satisfying and long-term of you life. It's always exciting to discover how wonderfully diverse college relationships can be.
You'll also be on your own, own boss (more or less) 24 hours a day. Be careful here. Don't flying off the end of the pier. Enjoy your newfound freedom. Stay up until dawn talking about you ideals and ambitions with your dorm's regular bull session buddies. Sleep in until the afternoon on light class day. Explore the local town or suburbs with one or two of your new friends. Remembe though, with freedom comes responsibility. Even though your parents won't be around to follow on your loose ends, you shouldn't let things go completely. Just find your own style.
You may even start to think about your future. Be on the lookout for role models. Maybe a cert professor is especially inspiring. Perhaps your school has some ground-breaking research going on. Be sensitive to your own gravity. If some area of study attracts you, find out all you can about it might be the beginning of your self-definition process. Going to college is as much about finding who you really are as it is about getting that degree.
৫% সুদে,
১০০ টাকায় ১ বছরের সুদ = ৫ টাকা
৩,৫০০ টাকায় ১ বছরের সুদ = = ১৭৫ টাকা
আবার, ৪.৫% হার সুদে,
১০০ টাকায় ১ বছরের সুদ = ৪.৫ টাকা
৩,৫০০ টাকায় ১ বছরের সুদ = = ১৫৭.৫ টাকা।
সে সুদ কম পাবে = টাকা।
রহিম ১০ দিনে করে= ১টি কাজ
রহিম ১ দিনে করে = টি কাজ
আবার, করিম ১৫ দিনে করে = ১ টি কাজ
করিম ১ দিনে করে = টি কাজ
অতএব, রহিম ও করিম ১ দিনে করে= অংশ
রহিম ও করিম অংশ কাজ করে = ১ দিনে
রহিম ও করিম ১ বা সম্পূর্ণ অংশ কাজ করে = = ৬ দিনে
দেয়া আছে, বর্গক্ষেত্রের একবাহুর দৈর্ঘ্য = ৫ ফুট
অতএব, বর্গক্ষেত্রের ক্ষেত্রফল = ৫২ = ২৫ ফুট
অতএব, আয়তক্ষেত্রের ক্ষেত্রফল = ২৫ বর্গফুট
দেয়া আছে, আয়তক্ষেত্রের প্রস্থ = ৪ ফুট
আয়তক্ষেত্রের দৈর্ঘ্য= ফুট
৪৮ সংখ্যাটি কোন সংখ্যার ৬০%?
মনে করি, ৪৮ সংখ্যাটি x এর ৬০%
x এর ৬০% = ৪৮
দেয়া আছে, মহার্ঘ ভাতা বেতনের অংশ
মহার্ঘ ভাতা = টাকা