How many people inhabit in the world according to the above passage?
Which is the third most populated continent in the world?
Where is Northern America?
Where do you find moving population?
I saw a (dance) girl.
I saw a dancing girl.
This elevator (work) very well.
Have you ever (go) to London?
One of the boys (be) present here.
They recently (move) to a new house.
Patriotism is a great virtue. It inspires (a) ___ his life for (b)___ freedom of his (c)___ him to dedicate country.(d) ___ man without patriotism is no better than (e)___ beast. (f)____ true patriot is honoured by (g)___ his betterment of his unpatriotic man countrymen. He thinks for (h) ___ country. On (i) ___ the contrary (j) ___ thinks only of his own interest.
ডাক্তার আসার পর রোগীটি মারা গেল।
বাংলাদেশ এশিয়া মহাদেশে অবস্থিত।
মানুষ মাত্রই ভুল করে।
দুর্নীতি সমাজের জন্য অভিশাপ।
তুমি কি কাজটি করেছিলে?