Cricket is a very exciting game (transform this sentence into exclamatory one)
Choose the correct sentence?
"Othello"is a Shakespeare's play about---
"To do away with" means---
He talked as if he---everything.
What type of noun is "kindness"?
Which one is the correct spelling?
"Green House" effect is the cause of ---
While he --- along the road, a snake bit him.
Novel prize is considered the highest honour ---- can be achieved in certain fields of work.
Emperor Akbar ----, was a son of Humayhun.
I cut myself, here "myself" is a/an ---
Which one is not an example of comparative degree
It is you who --- to blame.
Which one is a masculine gender?
What is the synonym of "competent"?
I wish if I ---- a cricketer.
Shakespeare is known mostly for his ---
Which one is correct?
There is no alternative --- training.