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Wrong = 0
বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনী ।। শিক্ষক/কম্পিউটার অপারেটর/ক্যাশিয়ার/সহকারী পরীক্ষক (17-06-2023)
Let a song be sang by him.
Let a song be sung by him.
He appeared at the examination.
The more he gets, more he wants.
See the word in the dictionary.
Anawar said that he may say whatever he likes.
Anawar said that he might say whatever he liked.
Anawar told that he might say whatever he likes.
Anawar said he might say whatever he likes.
He succeeded to win the prize.
See the word in the dictionary.
He cannot pronounce the word.
His words must be listened to.
His words should be listened to.
His words must be listened.
His words ought to be listened to.