Choose the correct sentence :
Fill in the blank with appropriate word ...... my advice , he did not work hard.
What is the verb of the word LARGE?
Fill in the blank with appropriate word : We ..... the boy not to run in the sun.
Fill in the blank with appropriate word : He has every hope .... success.
শূন্যস্থানে সঠিক Preposition কোনটি বসবে? He is good ...... drawing.
'তোমাকে ছাড়া আমার চলে না ' ইহার ইংরেজি হবে-
নিম্নের বাক্যগুলোর কোনটি শুদ্ধ?
Which is the correct translation of -'অতি লোভে তাঁতি নষ্ট '
Goodwill কোন parts of speech ?
Which is the complex sentence : Unfortunately , he failed' -
Fill in the blak -Education should teach all to ....
What is the meaning of ' Null and void' ?