Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Your sagacity, is a fraud like everything else.
Your sagacity is a fraud,like everything else.
Your sagacity, is, a fraud,like everything else.
Your sagacity, is a fraud, like, everything else.
postpone or cancel a meeting or an aengagement
irritably difficult to detect
tiresomely difficult search
irritably difficult to detect
tiresomely difficult search
When do the guests arrives?
When did the guests arrived?
When are the guests arrived?
When are the guests arriving ?
November came, with raging south -west wind
November had come raging along with south , and west wind
November came alongside south -west wind, raging
November had come , raging, with wind south -west
I need some books and should not go to the library
I need some books and should go to the library
I do need books and should do the library
I need books and need library
John has a brother and sister
John has brother and sister
John has brother and a sister
John has a brother and a sister