Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
পিএসসি || সহকারী পরিবার পরিকল্পনা কর্মকর্তা (26-11-2022)
No sooner had he seen me before he ran away.
No sooner had he seen me than he ran away.
Scarcely had he seen me than he ran away.
Hardly he saw me when he ran away.
Reading by fits and starts will not do.
Reading by a bird's eye view will not do.
Reading at a glance will not do.
Reading intermittently will not do.
The lady guest proceeded as though I had not spoken.
The lady guest proceeded as though I did not speak.
The lady guest proceeded as though I have not spoken.
The lady guest proceeded as though I would not speak.
extra facility for judges
happening outside the normal power of the law
a simple and ordinary matter
the most basic and important aspects of something
The teacher asked me why I was absent.
The teacher asked me why I had been absent.
The teacher asked me why I have been absent.
The teacher wanted to know why I was absent.
By whom death can be avoided ?
Whom can death be avoided ?
By whom can death be avoided ?
Who can be avoided by death?