Birshrestha Nur Muhammad Sheikh is remembered most importantly for his heroic fight against the pakistani occupation army in :
'Sheikh Hasina Cantonment ' is located at
Which one of the famous six -l point demands of the Bengalis contained specific provision for a distinct monetary system?
A statute for the protection of the rights of consumers in Bangladesh was first enacted in the year
who is the promoter of Chinese 'One Belt One Road ' initiative?
The Forth Industrial Revolution is featured by emergence of technological break - through in a number of fields except
who has received posthumous Ekushey Padak in 2018 ?
The first BIMSTEC summit was held in
The first legislative response in Bangladesh for addressing the problem of defaulting on bank loans and other financial obligation s was made by creating Artha Rin Adalat in the year
what is the name of the central bank of china?
As per World Bank criteria , Bangladesh graduated to the lower middle -income status in the year:
who is the current president of India ?
The recent mass killings and atrocities of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar was described as a 'text book example of ethnic cleansing ' by:
The First OIC summit on Science and Technology, 2017 , was held in
which protocol provides e-mail facilities among different hosts ?
One nibble equals to __ .
How many valiant freedom fighters were awarded the title 'Bir Uttam' for their stellar performances in Bangladesh Liberation of 1971?