Test Mode
Right = 0
Wrong = 0
Sonali Bank Ltd - Officer (Cash) - 29.03.2013
সকল বিষয়
University Resource Library
Universal Research Location
Structured Question Language
Structured Query Language
Original Mark Recognition
performs mathematical operations
performs logical operatins
directs the movement of electrical signals
performs comparisons of numbers
data is sent in boath directions simulataneously in a cotrolled way
Data can travel in two directions, but only one direction at one time
Data is sent in both directions simultaneously
data can travel in only one direction at all times
উচ্চ শ্রেণীর ব্যক্তির সাথে বসে খাওয়া
মোগলের সাথে বসে খাদ্য খাওয়া
In I found a bag in the street, I will take it to the police.
In I found a bag in the street, I took it to the police.
In I found a bag in the street, I'd take it to the police.
In I found a bag in the street, I'll be taking it to the police.
When there is chaos in society the economy of the country do not develop.
The economy of the country will not be develop when there is chaos in the society.
Economic conditions does not improve when there is chaos in the society.
The economy of the country will not develop if there is chaos in the society.
Natore and Naogaon district
Pabna and Natore district
to connect two dissimilar networks
to connect two similar networks
to connect two computers in a LAN
to connect a printer within a LAN
A multi-national organization