'A person in a family who lived a long time ago is called -
What is the meaning of the word' Tranquil'?
Which one of the following is in plural form ?
The term 'bounce back ' means ;
what is the superlative degree of the word 'shy'?
Synonym of the word 'scrupulous'is :
Which one of the following is in singular form ?
The present verb form of the word 'sworn ' is -
'He feels comparatively better today.' Find the incorrectly used word.
The act of doing deliberate damage to something is called .
Which is correctly spelt ?
What is the feminine gender of 'swain '?
'Pay careful attention to something' is meant by word.
If it is a genuine picture , it is -
A person who is accused of a crime is entitled to a --- trial .
Which one of the following words is an odd to the others?
Does anyone honestly --- what a politician says nowadays?
These will -- some rainfall later this morning.
which one is not synonym of 'definite'?
Find the antonym of the word 'yarn' .