Dignity : Humiliate__
Punctual : Late__
What is the antonym of 'Honorary'-
What is the antonym of 'famous'?
What is the synonym of 'Jovial'?
A synonym for 'resentment' is ___
Now a days many villagers are lit ____electricity.correct preposition is____
He assured me _____safety.
Because she had a reputation for _____we were surprised and pleased when she greeted us so ______.
Few people would care to take the negative side of the proposition that the women of the world are __and___.
To ____the arrival of spring Bangladesh Television _____ a special function.
They have _____ their support for our case.
Even as harvesting was going on _____
His uncle arrived while he _____the dinner.
The team is ____eleven players.
At least one of the students ____ full marks every time.
I thought that ____was the last one.
_____ is not the only thing that tourists want to see.
I have read the book ____you lent me.
Monarch : Republic :