Choose the indirect speech of the sentence- He said to me "Thank you".
Select the correct sentence-
Identify the correct synonym for the word "Magnanimous" -
What is the meaning of "White Elephant'
The correct spelling is -
A "bull market' means that share prices are -
What is the masculine form of "bee' -
An adverb does not modify -
........ among you are from class x?
He struck me on.... head.
Life is not a bed of roses' means -
Please lean the ladder..... the wall.
Which one of the verb?
Which one is a material noun?
Have you finished..... the book?
Which English poet is known as the poet of nature?
Have you ever .... to London?
Which of the following is a strong verb?
He works by "fits and starts" in the office. Here the words quoted means -
Give the all.... this pen.